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Xiaomi HiPee Smart Pill Box presented: Here is the smart pillbox!

About a year after the presentation of first HiPee device, the brand that is part of the Xiaomi ecosystem has just announced a new gadget, the Xiaomi HiPee Smart Pill Box, to improve the lives of those who for one reason or another, need to take pills during the day.

The device presented today had previously gone into the crowdfunding campaign last mark with success, but starting today can be purchased directly from Chinese citizens.

Xiaomi HiPee Smart Pill Box presented: Here is the smart pillbox

Xiaomi HiPee Smart Pill Box

The Xiaomi HiPee Smart Pill Box is, as the name suggests, a smart pillbox with a minimal design and a compact body. There are large compartments for the various pills for a total of 80 capsules in total (if ordinary size). While the component that makes it smart is the low-power Bluetooth chip that ensures a long battery life.

Thanks to the HiPee Smart Pill Box it will be possible to configure the various times to take the pills. Once we arrive at that time, the LED light on the container will light up with a breath effect and a sound to attract our attention. Furthermore, if configured correctly, you can receive a message on WeChat, the famous Chinese messaging application. So there are a total of three reminder: LED light, sound and notification on the smartphone. In the event that you do not pay attention to the various notifications, there will be other 2 new attempts.

Xiaomi HiPee Smart Pill Box

The gem of this pill holder is the fact that the LED light always lights up in correspondence with the pill compartment to be taken. So you save time and it's almost impossible to misunderstand yourself.

HiPee has also created a system that allows you to recognize the various medicines through a scan of the serial number. This then automatically sets the dosage plan, how many pills to take and when. Obviously these settings can then be changed manually.

Xiaomi HiPee Smart Pill Box

The Xiaomi HiPee Smart Pill Box is now on sale in China at 149 Yuan, around 19 euros.

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Pierpaolo Figuccia
Pierpaolo Figuccia

Nerd, passionate about technology, photography and video maker. And of course I love Xiaomi products!


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