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Xiaomi Mi Laptop: Production will be done in collaboration with Inventec

We have often talked about the possible debut of Xiaomi in the world of notebooks Xiaomi Mi Laptop: Features and Super PriceXiaomi Laptop: maybe we are | but never before had such information so important that it could actually confirm Xiaomi's interest in the notebook world. The detail we are talking about is the statement of Inventec, an Original Design Manufacturer (ODM) for more than 20 years of experience in the world of laptops, where we have learned that they and Xiaomi engineers are working closely to achieve a very powerful notebook and that is revolutionary compared to the competition.

These are strong words that are already jumping from the chair to several users. Unfortunately, Inventec did not want to release any further details, so we do not know what type of hardware it could integrate, nor what operating system.

However, if we want to make some assumptions, if Inventec sees the project as a half revolution, surely the frame will be very thin and fanless, so the use of a Intel Core M CPU could be ideal. In addition to this, the new USB Type-C connector may be available, possibly with USB 3.1 or Thunderbolt 3 support, or even a Real Sense photo portfolio. As for the operating system, the possible choices are few and they end up or up a Linux distribution developed directly by Xiaomi or on Windows 10 (most likely choice).

What if Xiaomi marketed the perfect rival to Apple's MacBook? How do you see this situation?

via | Xiaomi Fans Italia

Simone Rodriguez
Simone Rodriguez

Blogger, but above all passionate about technology. I am part of a generation that has passed from the cathode ray tube to smartphones, making me witness to an unprecedented technological evolution. From 2012 I assiduously follow the Xiaomi brand that with the conveyance of various projects led me to realize, the home of all the Italian Xiaomisti. Write me: [email protected]


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