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How to call and track an unknown number

Surely at least once in your life you will have received a call with an unknown sender, without having the opportunity to know who he was and to call him back.

Are you curious to know who called you? But how to do it? we at Enjoyphoneblog we will help you, by using different methods.

Usually, who calls you with an unknown number, is a person who wants to keep her privacy, a phone company, or a promotional company.

One of the ways to call the contact is to use your smartphone's address book to re-contact the stranger. The procedure will be successful only if, in the meantime, no other calls will be received, with or without the private individual and as long as your telephone operator allows it.

Before the number you want to track down, you'll need to enter the code * 69: This is a universal code used by most providers. In case of problems, it will be enough contact your operator who will give you the code correct. This solution may not work on all devices.

unknown number

You can also decide to divert the call directly. To do this, simply ask your operator to activate the call barring or rejection: every time someone tries to call you with the private person, they must first necessarily identify themselves. However, this option may have a cost that varies depending on your provider.

If instead, you want to track down who has called you, there are several smartphone applications that can do this, but through rather expensive subscriptions. For example, the application TrapCall allows, through various subscriptions depending on the service, to succeed in track down the unknown number by simply rejecting the call.

Next, you will come sent by message the contact number who called you private.

WP-AppBox: TrapCall: Unmask Blocked Calls (Free, Google Play) →


Another service that performs the same function is Whooming, software available for PCs and smartphones that can unlock the unknown number via an email alert. The service needs a registration and rejecting the call from the unknown contact.


Whooming-unknown call-number

In conclusion, the methods to find the contact that used the unknown number to call you are different and each of them has its merits and its defects.

If you want to succeed, without additional subscriptions or anything else, the service of Whooming is the best in circulation for the resolution of these problems, because it is able to record the call, receive a notification SMS at each anonymous call and call the “stalker”.

With the free account, the only limitation is given by the possibility of find the attacker only after 24 hours but, all in all, it is not such a high price to pay. 

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Simone Rodriguez
Simone Rodriguez

Blogger, but above all passionate about technology. I am part of a generation that has passed from the cathode ray tube to smartphones, making me witness to an unprecedented technological evolution. From 2012 I assiduously follow the Xiaomi brand that with the conveyance of various projects led me to realize, the home of all the Italian Xiaomisti. Write me: [email protected]


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