In recent years, Xiaomi has become globally popular thanks to the work of people like Donovan Sung, a charismatic spokesperson for the Chinese company that until recently was derogatorily labeled as Chinese-made for its products. Yet things have changed, from the stock market launch to the opening of various Mi Stores around the world.
A seemingly beautiful story yet today things seem to change in a very sad way, as Donovan Sung announced he was leaving Xiaomi, explaining his reasons in an open letter to the Fan.
Mr. Donovan Sung will start a new adventure with Google and that alone would justify his choice. Five years ago the manager left New York to land in China alongside CEO Lei Jun, which allowed Donovan Sung to travel the world, with a particular focus on India, Indonesia, Egypt and Spain. In the open letter to the Mi Fans, Donovan emphasizes the gratitude towards Lei Jun and all the staff that every day carries on a company such as Xiaomi.
Donovan Sung abandons Xiaomi for an "American" love
The "betrayal" with Google, however, will not bring Donovan Sung back to America, but rather to Singapore where the former Xiaomi executive will be dedicated to developing Google Pay and its advancement as a payment system in emerging markets.
Beyond the thanks it is clear that Xiaomi has suffered a great loss, not only for the working virtues but also for the human ones. Donovan Sung has always turned out to be a splendid and easy-going person towards the Mi Fan fans, so we can only wish him the best in his new adventure. A peculiarity of the story is that Meizu is also experiencing a similar situation ... in short, I would not like it to be the heat of the summer to create these imbalances. And what do you think?