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Huami makes his coronavirus technology available

Since the outbreak of the new virus COVID-19 commonly called coronavirus, over 80.000 cases have been diagnosed in China, which has a major impact on people's health and social and economic development. The middle country promptly adopted laws containment measures although, as we all know, they have served up to a certain point. But it is not only China as an institution that has done something, but also the Chinese companies. One of those who started working massively is Huami: we know it for the We Band and Amazfit smartwatch. let's see how.

Huami is perhaps the first company in the world to have put its technology in the service of health against coronavirus in this way

As is clear to all, the follow-up task by the health institutions is fundamental. This means that even if a patient is discharged, he must be constantly monitored. It is in this aspect that the well-known Chinese wearable company Huami has gone into service against the coronavirus.

Recently, in response to the requirements of the Chinese National Health and Health Commission, Huami Technology, Guangzhou Respiratory Health Research Institute e Guangdong Nanshan Medical Innovation Research Institute they have started a joint action to monitor all the patients or those who have just recovered from coronaviruses. The team formed by the three large health and technology entities, led by Zhong Nanshan, using Huami's wrist technology, they were able to keep the physical condition of the patients under control. The most interesting thing is that this collaboration will continue laterIn fact, the three parties will use the national medical research center on respiratory diseases as the basis for jointly carrying out the new follow-up of pneumonia after patients are discharged and rehabilitated.

huami coronavirus

Thanks to the artificial intelligence (AI) used in Huami i devices patients of this project will be able to count on one complete management of exercises, sleep and heart rate. In addition, special projects will be set up to conduct joint research on epidemic disease prediction and early warning systems. The latter means will be made available to patients in the event that their health suddenly worsens. Huang Wang, founder, president and CEO of Huami claimed that he also hopes to to promote smart wearable products within the healthcare sector, perhaps using a sub-brand that only deals with this sector.

Recall that Huami donated the sum of 11.5 million yuan (approximately € 1.5 million) in goods and services as well as having launched the project "Midong Health Assistant" in order to provide autotest of new symptoms of pneumonia.

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Gianluca Cobucci
Gianluca Cobucci

Passionate about code, languages ​​and languages, man-machine interfaces. All that is technological evolution is of interest to me. I try to divulge my passion with the utmost clarity, relying on reliable sources and not "on the first pass".


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