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XIAOMI - 3ITALIA ... and if the "3" brought Xiaomi to Italy?

We know this pretty well now Xiaomi, we know the quality of its products, part of our work on the Pekingese company, however, finds one of its fundamental pillars. In 2013 we saw the entry into Xiaomi of the former big guy from Google Hugo Barra, who was given the task of taking the Chinese company to a higher level, making it a brilliant company within the global mobile landscape. In September 2013 said:

If I do my job well, in a few years the world will talk about Xiaomi in the same way that we talk about Apple and Google today.

THEglobal expansion, however, at the net of the continuing denial is the 'goal number 1. of Xiaomi. Barra's hiring, among other things, would make little sense if the company's expansionist aims were limited to emerging markets only (BRICS and little else, to be clear...), since crisis or no crisis the main telephone markets continue to be the Western ones. Small steps, always small steps, at least until now - "certainly the US market interests us, but as long as we are not ready we will not bark"Said Pete Lau (CEO Xiaomi) in an old interview.

The potential leverage for Xiaomi could come from the Chinese telecommunications carrier with which the company headed by Lau has entered into a collaboration to launch the Xiaomi MI3 to Hong Kong, Hutchinson Whampoa Ltd.
Certainly to many of us, and probably not to anyone, this name does not think anything, because Hutchinson Whampoa is in fact a multinational with a very diversified portfolio ranging from ports and real estate to energy, telecommunications. Even the proprietario of this empire, such Li Ka Shing, surely it won't tell you anything. Do you want some numbers about this man? Forbes estimates his assets at 26000000000 (26MILIARDI) of US Dollars, invested a $ 60 million in Facebook, something in Spotify, a bit in Waze ... and it's only the richest person in Asia , 10 ° the richest person in the world!

Here we briefly report the words of Hugo Barra at the Xiaomi launch event in Hong Kong:

We would also like to collaborate with Hutch in other markets, such as Indonesia and Vietnam where we count on marketing our products in the coming months.

Guess what the carrier global ownership of Hutchinson Whampoa? UMTS 3! UMTS 3 serving around 69 millions of users around the world bringing Samsung and Apple devices anywhere and working in the following countries: of course China, then Great Britain, Ireland, Austria, Asutralia, Hong Kong, Sweden and even ...Italy! Yes why UMTS 3 is what we Italians simply know as "3".

We have seen and heard pictures and words from Hugo Barra, in Visit this week at Foxconn's offices: Southeast Asia, South America, and probably with "3" perhaps even landing in the West. Do you imagine the Xiaomi MI3 with this contract here in Italy? What do you think if "3" really brought Xiaomi in Italy?
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Simone Rodriguez
Simone Rodriguez

Blogger, but above all passionate about technology. I am part of a generation that has passed from the cathode ray tube to smartphones, making me witness to an unprecedented technological evolution. From 2012 I assiduously follow the Xiaomi brand that with the conveyance of various projects led me to realize, the home of all the Italian Xiaomisti. Write me: [email protected]


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