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Xiaomi 8H Find Smart Bed is the new smart bed connected to the cloud and with voice controls

Xiaomi, the technology traveler known for the production of smartphones and household appliances, has launched a new product on the market that promises to revolutionize the way we sleep and rest: it is the Xiaomi 8H Find Smart Bed, an intelligent electric bed that adjusts based on user preferences and habits.

Xiaomi 8H Find Smart Bed is the new smart bed connected to the cloud and with voice controls

Xiaomi 8H Find Smart Bed

The Xiaomi 8H Find Smart Bed is an electric bed that is based on a cloud sensing technology, which allows you to monitor users' biometric data and adapt the position and temperature of the bed optimally. The bed has a frameless design, which makes the surface area larger and hides the bed legs. The edge of the bed has an oblique shape, which makes it thin and delicate, and under the bed there is a smart light strip that emits a warm and soft light.

The 8H Find Smart Bed can be controlled via three modes: Mijia app, voice with Xiaoai assistant or remote control. Via the app, you can raise the backrest of the bed in the morning and automatically adjust it to the alarm state.

The smart bed also offers eight “comfort mode“, including anti snoring, TV, zero gravity, assistance, reading, e-sports, yoga and airplane mode, which can be achieved by varying the inclination of the backrest and legs within a range of 60° and 40°. The bed has a built-in motor with a single thrust of 600kg, and the noise generated during operation is less than 45dB.

Xiaomi 8H Find Smart Bed

The Xiaomi 8H Find Smart Bed is available with three different mattresses, including a 20cm thick spring latex mattress, a 1cm thick MZ25 cotton mattress and a 15cm thick Schcott natural latex mattress.

The 8H Find has gone on sale in China at the price of 2.799 yuan, equal to approximately 360 euros. It is an innovative and quality product, which demonstrates Xiaomi's ability to create intelligent and personalized solutions for the well-being of users.

Pierpaolo Figuccia
Pierpaolo Figuccia

Nerd, passionate about technology, photography and video maker. And of course I love Xiaomi products!


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