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Xiaomi Foldable Phone appears in a new video (render)

The Korean giant Samsung has definitely upset the world of mobile technology with their first device "Foldable", it is a tablet that becomes a smartphone if necessary or we could even say the exact opposite, or a tablet that becomes a smartphone to save a little space.

We must admit, however, that the device presented by Samsung last month is not very appealing from a design standpoint. It is in fact very often when folded and has quite wide edges to which we are no longer used, not to mention the side notch with cameras and various sensors placed in the upper left.

Xiaomi Foldable Phone appears in a new video (render)

Xiaomi Foldable Phone dual folding

Well, all this to say that although Samsung has not managed to bring something really interesting to the market, our favorite producer, Xiaomi, could instead surprise everyone with a much more futuristic device.

Until now, we have seen this concept phone only in the hands of Xiaomi president Lin Bin, but today we find a new video with the same terminal in an 3D render. As we can see in the video below, the Xiaomi folding smartphone would have a "dual-fold" technology that means it folds twice. This mechanism turns the screen from 6,5 inches into phone mode in an 10 inch tablet.

Obviously, as we said before, this is an 3D render created by a third person, so it has no official value. That said, the device shown by Lin Bin some time ago was quite similar, so we would not be surprised if it will be just like the video above.

According to the famous site The Verge, Xiaomi is cooperating with Visionox, a company that produces flexible AMOLED displays; fundamental technology on a foldable phone.

Samsung Galaxy Fold

Samsung Galaxy Fold

Unfortunately we suspect that it will still take a while for Xiaomi to unveil this device and honestly it seems like the right choice. What's the point of announcing a smartphone not yet finalized if nobody is interested in it? Or at least that's what we think of the Galaxy Fold, and you? Comment below with your opinion!

Pierpaolo Figuccia
Pierpaolo Figuccia

Nerd, passionate about technology, photography and video maker. And of course I love Xiaomi products!


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