The world of wearables is constantly growing, as for the moment it has not yet reached its maximum success on the market. For this reason, many manufacturers strive to make wearable products that are able to encompass some main features, such as ergonomics on the wrist, battery life and the selling price.
Well, Xiaomi is no less than the competition and, as you surely know, in the past it has presented and successfully marketed the Xiaomi Mi Band. It, from the cost of just 14 euro (at the exchange rate), allows you to monitor most of the parameters of our physical activities. More than a year after the presentation, the Chinese giant is ready to present the second generation of wearables.
Unlike the forecasts, his name will be Xiaomi Mi band 1S and the next one will most likely be presented 11 November. In the case of this product, the 11 Novembre would be both the day of the presentation and the day of the market launch. Perhaps not everyone knows that the November 11 in China is a day reserved for "Crazy purchases". It's like a sort of Black Friday (this year we had it too thanks to Amazon).
The main difference between the version currently on the market and the Xiaomi Mi Band 1S will be represented by the presence, in the latter, of a heartbeat sensor which in any case should not impact much on the battery, as the expected autonomy is about 30 days.
via | Xiaomi Fans Italia