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Xiaomi will develop the fingerprint technology integrated into the LCD screen

Xiaomi has been considered the queen of value for money right from the first smartphone, offering technology at the right price. However, the latest innovations in the smartphone sector force the use of certain hardware components that are often not exactly cheap, thus forcing the company to smooth the price in other ways. Among the tech fashion innovations in this period, we find the fingerprint sensor positioned below the display, which forces manufacturers to use AMOLED panels, currently the only technology to support the new sensors.


However, Xiaomi seems to be working on a solution, or rather a collaboration involving 160 patents regarding the adoption of the ID sensor under the LCD screen. The solution to the problem seems to be closer than we imagine, as the problem of the interference of the signal of the LCD capacitor has been solved by acting on the backlight mechanism thus allowing that the fingerprint image can be seen clearly.

Xiaomi will develop the fingerprint technology integrated into the LCD screen

This will allow Xiaomi to offer super competitive devices, equipped with the best technology on the market, at truly competitive prices. In fact, at present, no medium-to-low-end smartphone offers a fingerprint sensor integrated in the display, due to the prohibitive prices of AMOLED panels, but this new technology uses an algorithm with continuous learning, which translates into a fingerprint identification in constant evolution.


Unfortunately, the technology is still in its infancy and therefore the launch of a new smartphone that uses this novelty is excluded. Therefore we will continue to watch Xiaomi smartphones with ID sensor and AMOLED display, not that we regret considering the fact that Xiaomi has shown to the whole world that we can offer the public a complete top range less than 500 euro, aka Mi 9 . And what do you think?

Emanuele Iafulla
Emanuele Iafulla

Nerd, Geek, Netizen, terms that do not belong to me. Simply myself, technology lover and provocative as Xiaomi does with his products. High quality at fair prices, a real provocation for the other most famous brands.


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