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ZTE Charm Ring R1: the smart ring

A few hours ago we talked about the official presentation by ZTE of the new smartphone "Axon“, But the Chinese house has not focused only on new smartphones but also on accessories with the new one ZTE Charm R1.

ZTE Charm Ring R1 | Photo gallery

ZTE Charm Ring R1

ZTE Charm Ring R1ZTE Charm Ring R1


ZTE Charm Ring R1 it is the intelligent ring able to connect, through technology Bluetooth 4.0, with our smartphone and monitor our daily activity.

Here are the features of ZTE Charm Ring R1:

  • Dimensions of 20 x 16 x 11,9 millimeters;
  • Gyroscope on three axes;
  • Bluetooth 4.0;
  • Battery from 15 mAh;
  • Support Android 4.3 e iOS 7.0 and successivei;
  •  6 colors at launch.


ZTE Charm Ring R1 | Functions

The device is able to fully automatically monitor our physical activity and "understand" when we start an intense training session, all thanks to the sensors it is equipped with.


ZTE Charm Ring R1 | Price

The ZTE Charm Ring R1 is already available in China at the price of 199 dollars, or about 178 Euro at the current exchange rate. They do not seem to be too much considering that it practically does not do anything less than what it does We Band di Xiaomwhich, as we know, costs about fifteen euros in China?


ZTE Charm Ring R1 | Conclusions

The ring is well made and turns out to be really very light, even if it seems to be mainly intended for a female audience.

Article ZTE Charm Ring R1: the smart ring seems to be the first of

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Simone Rodriguez
Simone Rodriguez

Blogger, but above all passionate about technology. I am part of a generation that has passed from the cathode ray tube to smartphones, making me witness to an unprecedented technological evolution. From 2012 I assiduously follow the Xiaomi brand that with the conveyance of various projects led me to realize, the home of all the Italian Xiaomisti. Write me: [email protected]


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