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Diary of a #MiExplorers - Emanuele / Day 1

My name is Emanuele Iafulla, and with this the thread published in the Italian Mi Community, I want to start sharing with you the joy, the emotions but also the "fear" that will accompany me during the experience of #MiExplorers program. But first of all, perhaps it is right to make a presentation, because it is right to know who he is dealing with. Do not you find?

I'm an explorer

Well my passion for technology especially for the telephony aspect was born when I was a "pischello", ie I had 14 years, but while my peers were thinking of modifying motorcycles and scooters I looked at the windows of the stores that exposed cell phones. Unfortunately mine is not a wealthy family and so instead of spending my holidays at the beach or in the amusement park, I looked for a job and with the money earned after first thinking about school expenses (books, fees, etc.) I bought my first mobile phone, an Ericsson GA628.

Diary of a #MiExplorer - Emanuele / Day 1

Eh already at the time there were still no smartphones, but there was already a kind of hardware modding: in fact, I invested more money to change the antenna (the one with LED lighting up when a call was received), various faceplates for the phone and some stickers. I will not list all the phones and smartphones I've owned, but I'll just tell you that from that moment mine was a continuous search for a complete terminal, but above all at low cost.

Diary of a #MiExplorer - Emanuele / Day 1

A utopia will say to you, and instead at the end of 2014 I bought the first version of Mi Band and in 2015 I came across Xiaomi, buying the Redmi 2 of which I immediately fell in love. Over time I changed device, brand and operating system but at the end the first love is never forgotten and so in the 2016 I was lucky enough to come across the blog led by Simone to whom I owe everything.

Diary of a #MiExplorer - Emanuele / Day 1Diary of a #MiExplorer - Emanuele / Day 1

Diary of a #MiExplorers - Emanuele / Day 1

For me he is not just a "boss" but he is a friend, in fact he is part of my family even if the geographical distances between us are really considerable. We are not only in the fact that we are both together Romani 'de Roma, and the passion for Xiaomi and the whole ecosystem that gravitates around the brand, but humility is the real link.

I'm an explorer

I used the term family on purpose, because it's the right one to describe Mi Fans globally. Thanks to the adventure in I had thehonor and pleasure to participate in the launch event of Xiaomi in Italy, to know part of the leadership such as Mr. Donovan Sung and Wang Xiang e what left me speechless was the spontaneity with which they welcomed us all, the simplicity with which they approached us.

I'm an explorer

Diary of a #MiExplorer - Emanuele / Day 1

Well maybe I'm going over but I want to add that even now as I write these lines I have a heart beating a thousand, for the emotion on the #MiExplorers program. When I received the email I was incredulous, but at the same time I told myself that it does not count the degree, the social class or other only the passion counts.

I'm an explorer

And grant it to me if I say that I have a lot of passion to sell. Someone may know me for reviews and articles that I propose daily, and certainly I'm not a journalist or a professional but I'm simply one of you, and that's what makes it all special. Because I will be your eyes, your hands and your emotions during this wonderful experience that will take me to Spain.

Emanuele Iafulla
Emanuele Iafulla

Nerd, Geek, Netizen, terms that do not belong to me. Simply myself, technology lover and provocative as Xiaomi does with his products. High quality at fair prices, a real provocation for the other most famous brands.


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