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[GUIDE] Easily Install International Firmware on Meizu!

You have problems with installing the international firmware on yours Meizu !?! No problem users less "Thumbnails", SmartyLife he also thought to you !!

I have prepared a tool that will allow you to install the Firmware International in good that you do not say.


International Firmware


I remember all the owners of Meizu-firmware (A) that the manufacturer has for the moment removed the Italian language from Flyme. I urge all owners to follow this guide because we are unlikely, for now, to be able to review the Italian version of firmware Meizu different from that International. Also this further guide concerning the transition to Firmware I is valid and can be used for all devices Meizu.


International Firmware



First of all, I advise you all to keep or download and pass a copy of firmware A in the main memory. So you can restore from recovery (power + volume down on), in case of any problems. You can safely download the firmware (A)  for your meizu at this address HERE(eg if you are to install on yours Meizu la you have to download the firmware A corresponding)


International Firmware


It is also advisable whenever you want to upgrade your device to the version from software next, go back to the version (A) then reinstall the version International. You have read it is "Advisable" not mandatory to switch to version A, this for a simple reason, every smartphone in it EMMC it has more internal partitions, one of which is the partition of work which is what we are touching with this guide, but always following the same procedure without ever going to version A it means to update our part in part Meizu, (only system partition) why kernel, baseband, etc they will never be updated and you will not be able to fully enjoy the improvements introduced with them updates. In case of MajorUpdate (switch from 5.0 a 5.1 etc etc) you will need to install version A.

Ne Io "Author of the guide" or even less SmartyLife we feel responsible for any damage you may cause to your device.


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Easily Install International Firmware on Meizu Version A: Requirements


  • Any device Meizu;
  • Permissions of rooactive;
  • SuperSU as manager d root;

Get root permissions.

Nothing simpler, let's get in Account settings (if you are not registered do it) / My Flyme / Profile (Chinese characters plus numbers), click now System Privileges agree to everything, wait for the device to restart. Now we have root permissions !!


International FirmwareInternational FirmwareInternational Firmware


We now need to change root manager as that stock of Meizu does not allow you to run some commands to script installation, in a few words installed Supersu :-). First of all I would like to turn off the automatic updates both of Playstore that of the ' AppCenter Meizu.


International Firmware International Firmware S50927-170742


Now go to the device the apk di Supersu which you find HERE and install it (via app Document knock it over the rest comes from it), start it now and choose to install it normally in case of requests for rooting consent (Allow-Still Allow), wait a few minutes and at the end of the operation you will be killed "Restart".


International FirmwareInternational FirmwareInternational FirmwareInternational FirmwareInternational Firmware


  • Busybox

How to Install Busybox.

Download the apk of busybox HERE copy it to the sd card and through the app Document install it now at the end of the installation, open it and click Install, Busybox Installed !!

  • USB Debugging "ON"

Enable Debug Usb.

Get in the Settings su Accessibility / Developers options enabled Usb debbugging e Allow mock location.


International Firmware International Firmware

  • Adb driver working.


In some PC the driver signature control is enabled by default. This could compromise the driver installation ADB then you must disable signature control.

To do this we must first disable the signatures of driver :

1 ° Method

  •  Restart the PC and during startup press F8 this must take place before the phase of boat that is to say in poor words just turn on the pc pressing the poop F8 ;
  •  Disable verification of the driver signatures and press enter;

2 ° Method

Start as administrator on DCM and enter the following codes:

  • bcdedit.exe -set loadoptions DDISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS
  • bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING ON

Write the first string and press Enter, then write the other one and press enter again, then restart the computer.

Once this is done we can finally install the adb drivers, connect your Meizu to the PC and lower the notification curtain. Click on "Connect as ..."And select"Integrated CD-ROM", It should appear as peripheral on your computer.

Now go to Control Panel> Device Manager, right click on your Meizu device> Update Driver Software> Search for Driver software on your computer> Manually choose from a list of device drivers on your computer> Choose ADB Interface Win 7> Driver Disk > Browse> This PC> usb_driver Device> USB Drivers folder and selected the android_winusb, then press OK and click Next. If you tell them that drivers have been successfully installed, you can continue. If you ask to restart, you agree.

International Firmware
International Firmware
International Firmware
International Firmware
International Firmware
International Firmware
International Firmware
International Firmware


Now go to Local Disk C> Users> Username> .android (if not, create it)> adb_usb.inf (you will have to create this too if the .android folder does not exist) click on it with the right button and "Edit" , add this below the two strings: "0x2a45"(Without quotation marks) and saved.


To check if your device is properly recognized, download the files ADB da this link and unpack the folder on your desktop, give this command "adb device"Without quotes. If everything works your device will be online.


International Firmware


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Easily Install International Firmware on Meizu version A: How to install


We can now proceed with the installation of international firmware, to run the installation you will use a tool created by me that you can download from HERE. Unplug the files inside and copy them into a new folder on your desktop, now you just have to download the International firmware and copy it to the root directory of the main memory. Firmware I Meizu MX5 (rename only in this case and only the owners of MX5 the file inside the zip in system-i.img), MX4 4.5.4I, MX4 Pro 4.5.5, M2 Notes 4.5.3, M1 Notes


International Firmware


After copying and renaming (if necessary) the firmware (THE), you can proceed, go to the folder where you previously extracted the tool and open it SmartyLifeTool By Manuel Bianco.bat

International Firmware


Select your device and dates sending, watch now why on your display Meizu requests may appear root / debug, always agree. The tool he needs about Minute 10 Patients !! even if everything seems stationary, your device will automatically restart after you finish it recoveryIf you did not think about it, hold on power + volume button on until the device restarts, pay attention to how the text appears Meizu let go of the keys. Select now  Wipe Data and tap up Start, by doing this you will lose all your data (applications, messages and calls will be lost, photos, videos, music will not be touched). If it's not about Major release you can also avoid running the Wipe data, to do so restart and nothing will be deleted, in case of any problems later you can still run the Wipe da Recovery .


International Firmware


International Firmware

I also remember that it is possible to buy the devices Meizu in the shop section of Smartylife Shop Meizu Section with the option to choose shipping DHL o Express No Customs included in both cases in the price, buyers will also enjoy of 24 months of warranty with free home delivery in the first few months of 12.

I will update the guide by adding firmware as well Meizu will release in the future. In case of any problems, I invite you to visit the manual guide HERE.


Greetings White Manuel

Article [GUIDE] Easily Install International Firmware on Meizu! seems to be the first of

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Simone Rodriguez
Simone Rodriguez

Blogger, but above all passionate about technology. I am part of a generation that has passed from the cathode ray tube to smartphones, making me witness to an unprecedented technological evolution. From 2012 I assiduously follow the Xiaomi brand that with the conveyance of various projects led me to realize, the home of all the Italian Xiaomisti. Write me: [email protected]


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