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[GUIDE] Unlock Huawei Online Service Honor 6 Plus

Are you unable to use the online services of the proprietary “EMUI” apps? The cause of everything is the blocking imposed by Huawei on the variants of Honor 6/6 Plus not destined for the foreign market, but don't be afraid, by following this guide you will finally be able to overcome the impediment posed by Huawei.



Huawei Honor-6-01-Plus-600x340


To all those who have tried to register-authenticate on a huawei account or app, surely the following sentence does not sound new: "Currently this service is not available in the user area". Let's see how to permanently unlock all apps and services blocked by Huawei.

First, create a Huawei account that you will use later.

  • Register , here, I recommend using google crome to easily translate the web page, enter all the data, complete the registration and confirm it from the email.

For now leave the newly created account, you now need a VPN connection, thanks to which you will be able to mock the block imposed by Huawei.

  • Su HIdeme choose the possibility to try for free and subscribe by email;



hideme registration


Now go to the email you used and copy the 7-digit code, which you will use to configure the vpn connection.

  • Enable Airplane Mode;
  • Connect on Wi-Fi;
  • Enter the Settings / Other / VPN;




  • Add and save the vpn network, give the name you want to your vpn, type PPTP as type and as for the server it must be Chinese, find the list of servers , here;




  • Connect now to the vpn connection just created, as username use the code to 7 digits previously obtained by registering on hideme, the password corresponds to the email address;




  • Finally, go to your account settings, log in to Huawei Cloud + using the credentials used to create your Huawei account.



  • Disconnect from the VPN connection now. You have completed, now you can take full advantage of your honor !!!




If you have any concerns and need help with anything, do not hesitate to contact us.

Manuel Bianco

via | Sm @ rty

Simone Rodriguez
Simone Rodriguez

Blogger, but above all passionate about technology. I am part of a generation that has passed from the cathode ray tube to smartphones, making me witness to an unprecedented technological evolution. From 2012 I assiduously follow the Xiaomi brand that with the conveyance of various projects led me to realize, the home of all the Italian Xiaomisti. Write me: [email protected]


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