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[GUIDE] Transform Meizu M1 Version A to Version I Ota working !!

Yes, you read that correctly!!! It's available finally the method to completely transform yours Meizu M1 Notes.


You will finally have the chance to download safely through Ota, the new firmware. I preach that the guide is very simple as I did so that it can be executed directly from the smartphone, so even those with problems with drivers and PCs will be able to transform theirs M1 Notes. I also advise you that the guide has its risks, obviously Io not least SmartyLife we will feel responsible for any damage you may cause to your device.

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  • Meizu M1 Notes 70% battery;
  • Smartytools HERE;
  • Firmware I downloadable from HERE;
  • Root coupled with SuperSu;
  • Busybox;
  • Terminal Emulator HERE;
  • Hex Editor you find it on the playstore;


Get root permissions.

Nothing simpler, let's get in Account settings (if you are not registered do it) / My Flyme / Profile (Chinese characters plus numbers), click now System Privileges agree to everything, wait for the device to restart. Now we have root permissions !!


International FirmwareInternational FirmwareInternational Firmware


We now need to change root manager as that stock of Meizu does not allow you to run some commands to script installation, in a few words installed Supersu :-). First of all I would like to turn off the automatic updates both of Playstore that of the ' AppCenter Meizu.


International FirmwareInternational FirmwareS50927-170742


Now go to the device the apk di Supersu which you find HERE and install it (via app Document knock it over the rest comes from it), start it now and choose to install it normally in case of requests for rooting consent (Allow-Still Allow), wait a few minutes and at the end of the operation you will be killed "Restart".


International FirmwareInternational FirmwareInternational FirmwareInternational Firmware


  • Busybox

How to Install Busybox.

Download the apk of busybox HERE copy it to the sd card and through the app Document install it now at the end of the installation, open it for sure because you will be prompted for a root request, you agree, then click on Install, Busybox Installed !!

Install now Terminal emulator and hex editor always via App Document etc. .. you find the links above in the requirements.


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Transform Meizu M1 note

For the first thing to download if not him SmartyTools if you did not do it, pull out the two files, they are script and are important, position them in the internal memory, should not be in any folder I would recommend to this detail.

We are now here to start Terminal Emulator and give these commands (just agree with the first command):


sh /sdcard/

The terminal will restart, you have backed up ProInf, you find it in the folder backupproinf, now go to HexEditor, go to its settings and activate it root mode.

Meizu M1 Note 1 Meizu M1 Note 2

Go back and click Open file ... When you have to look for the "proinf.img" file, take care that it is not in the root as soon as you open Hex Editor, but you have to open the / sdcard directory that you find by scrolling, then look for the "proinf.img" file  please scroll down to find it, not changed assolutissimamente the one in the folder backupproinf. 

Meizu M1 Note 3

Do not intrude on the screen view, click on the button Search, select ASCII and in the first box you enter 4631 and in the second 4635 Click replace.

Meizu M1 Note 4


Pay close attention look at it screenshot everything must match otherwise you will not proceed, if everything is correct click on the button save (Floppy-Disk) ed outputs.


International Firmware

Well if you are sure now you can proceed, download the firmware I and move it to the internal memory of the device.

Now turn on the Terminal Emulator and give the following strings:


sh /sdcard/

Once this is done the device should reboot in recovery, select (if it is not already) Firmware upgrade, highly recommended the Wipe Data, beware of losing message app etc, click on Home, wait if everything is fine the firmware will be installed.


Wait for it to restart, as soon as everything is fine, you can safely say that you have purchased the International version ??

Greetings White Manuel

Article [GUIDE] Transform Meizu M1 Version A to Version I Ota working !! seems to be the first of

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Simone Rodriguez
Simone Rodriguez

Blogger, but above all passionate about technology. I am part of a generation that has passed from the cathode ray tube to smartphones, making me witness to an unprecedented technological evolution. From 2012 I assiduously follow the Xiaomi brand that with the conveyance of various projects led me to realize, the home of all the Italian Xiaomisti. Write me: [email protected]


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