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Huawei: we discover past, present and future strategies!

Huawei is a company founded in 1988 a Shenzhenin China, but he has made his first smartphone only in 2003, and since then the company has slowly grown to become one of the largest and most important smartphone manufacturers in the world. Today, Chinese smartphone makers are starting to notice the huge benefits it brings to being more popular in Western markets. Because of this, many OEM Chinese have begun to grab attention in the Western market, which is still a bit skeptical of Asian smartphones. Many Chinese companies want to expand to other territories outside theAsia, among which Huawei. If the latter were able to completely overcome the huge barrier to "injury" in the Western market, it could easily become the world's largest smartphone maker.





Currently, Huawei it is positioned as the third smartphone maker in the world but it seems that it is not enough for the company, in fact, further expansion in Western markets would be a great opportunity to grow more. But to complete this vision of expansion, Huawei it must first change the bad reputation that Asian smartphones have in the United States and in other western countries. A good part of the population US, still believes that Chinese smartphone makers have no capacity to produce high quality terminals that match those produced directly in their national territory. Fortunately, Huawei he recognized this important problem and is taking the necessary measures to correct his severely damaged "face".




Over the last few years, it has been heard and read that several Chinese smartphones are incredibly accessible and boast some monstrous specifications, such as the much-decanted Huawei P8. Well, the company is now ready to produce other high-quality devices, to show “others” that even if a smartphone is made in China, it can be as affordable as other highly sought-after competitors. Huawei it also has another trick to ensure that the devices it produces are of superior quality: employing skilled labor along with automated machines that complete their assembly lines. Of course, having an automated assembly line, this ensures that every single device will essentially be made the same way, leaving minimal room for errors, and could be produced in larger quantities. By replacing humans in factories, Huawei, is firmly convinced that something essential in the process is lost. What is the task of "human workers" in the company? Check the processes and make sure that every essential part of a device is properly installed. Also, they give a last look before the terminal is shipped.


Huawei Huawei


The vice president of Huawei, Joonsuh Kim he said that in the near future, the company's devices will not fail to amaze every smartphone market in the world. "The Huawei P9 it will be very surprising, "he quoted VP di Huawei. If this is true, the next one P9, will have no problem selling in Western markets, so as to improve the general impression the world has of Huawei and others OEM Chinese.



Vice President, Joonsuh Kim.



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Simone Rodriguez
Simone Rodriguez

Blogger, but above all passionate about technology. I am part of a generation that has passed from the cathode ray tube to smartphones, making me witness to an unprecedented technological evolution. From 2012 I assiduously follow the Xiaomi brand that with the conveyance of various projects led me to realize, the home of all the Italian Xiaomisti. Write me: [email protected]


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