Il Notes redmi 2 Pro, is almost certain, will be presented next November 24 during the event called by Xiaomi called "Gran Finale". Today we have a new teaser picture about it, find out with us what it is!
Three Colors for Redmi Note 2 Pro! Which one do you prefer?
We talked so much about the Notes redmi 2 Pro which now seems to know almost everything about this terminal. Day after day, however, we come to know new news that adds more interesting information to the great general picture we have on this device. Today's is certainly not an exception!

Teaser Redmi Notes 2 Pro
On the official social profile of Xiaomi in fact, was published the following teaser image depicting the Notes redmi 2 Pro in three different colors. As you can see, the above terminal, in addition to the "Gold"Which we have already seen in the previous teasers, will also be available in the color variants"Silver"and "Gray". What do you think? I must admit that these colors are not really bad!

Teaser Redmi Notes 2 Pro
At this point, the only unknown that remains about the Notes redmi 2 Pro it's just the price at which this terminal will be launched. According to voices not yet confirmed, the next device of Xiaomi will be available in two variants that will differ only for memory cuts and, consequently, for the price they will be placed on the market. From what emerged, the Notes redmi 2 Pro will be launched with RAM cuts of 2 e 3 GB sold at 999 e 1099 Yuan (About 147 e 160 € at the current exchange rate).
Of the best prices if we consider the Notes redmi 2 Pro will be characterized by the following technical specifications:
- display by 5.5 inches in resolution Full HD;
- processor MediaTek Helio X10 a 2.0 GHz;
- RAM memory 2 e 3 GB;
- internal memory of 16 GB (very likely also by 32 GB);
- front camera by 5 megapixel;
- rear camera by 13 megapixel;
- battery by 3060 mAh;
- fully realized body metal;
- scanner fingerprints.
What do you think of this little gem? We remind you that in addition to this device, the long-awaited will also be presented Mi Pad 2 of which you can read some information in this article. There are only two days left to the event ... Are not you excited?
Article The Redmi Note 2 Pro will be launched in three colors seems to be the first of Smartylife.net.
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