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Will the Xiaomi Mi5 be Presented on January 21?

New interesting hypotheses begin to come about it Xiaomi Mi5, the flagship of the Chinese company that does not yet want to show up in public. This time we have a possible presentation date ... will it be a good time?

Xiaomi Mi5: Official Presentation Expected for 21 January?

Lo Xiaomi Mi5, this is undeniable, he's talking a lot about it. It should arrive on the market with specifications never before seen on a smartphone but the expectation of its official release is really blaming all its fans. That is why today's news could spark a glimmer of hope in all that I really can not wait for.

Xiaomi Mi5

One of the first presumed render of Xiaomi Mi5

Guys I tell you right now, they are just my suppositions, but in life you can wait for everything! ?? Then, let's go! As you can see from the picture I propose you below, the usual Chinese leaker Leaksfly on yesterday's day he published an interesting post in which as a question is provided the date of 21 January.

Xiaomi Mi5

Judging by the used emoticons, it seems that the tone used in asking the question is joking, as if it were a jerk ... that Leaksfly do you already know something? Guys do not know you, but I immediately thought of it Xiaomi Mi5! You instead?

Lo Xiaomi Mi5 I recall, it should be launched right in the first months of next year, so my hypothesis should not be so far from reality. To further my thesis also, there is also a statement of Kevin Wang, director of IHS Technology China Research, statement in which he said that Xiaomi Mi5 will be the first smartphone to equip the processor Qualcomm Snapdragon 820. Since this chip will also be installed on the Universal Z11 and on LeTv Max Pro, and that for both of these devices there is an official presentation in the first two months of the 2016, here's the chance to see it Xiaomi Mi5 presented the 21 January it no longer appears groundless.

What do you think of boys? Personally, I can not wait any longer, so I hope so much to be right! : p

Article Will the Xiaomi Mi5 be Presented on January 21? seems to be the first of

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Simone Rodriguez
Simone Rodriguez

Blogger, but above all passionate about technology. I am part of a generation that has passed from the cathode ray tube to smartphones, making me witness to an unprecedented technological evolution. From 2012 I assiduously follow the Xiaomi brand that with the conveyance of various projects led me to realize, the home of all the Italian Xiaomisti. Write me: [email protected]


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