In general the world is divided into two: the one who loves Android and hates iOS and its antithesis, or rather those who prefer the closed system made in Apple atopen source symbolized by the green robot. I personally hate purisms of this kind because the one that solves the most problems for the user is better allowing it to be used smoothly. Said this Xiaomi it's better ... jokes aside, a large-scale comparison as can be that at the level of operating systems is impossible to do and it would be like comparing a pair of brand new sneakers with shiny stiletto heels. But what is interesting to do (and which makes us think, as we will see at the end of the article) is to compare some characteristics of both systems and this speedtest between Redmi K20 Pro vs iPhone 11 Pro is an example.
Redmi K20 Pro vs iPhone 11 Pro: clash of the titans
As we all know Apple has released the new models of their smartphone a few days ago and as always make their figure. But is all that glitters gold? In our opinion, no, and the proof is this comparison between machines with the 1 formula, or l'11 Pro iPhone and Redmi K20 Pro (with Android Pie). The latter among other things is seeing the birth of an enhanced version, which we have described to you , here. But now let's proceed with the comparison by Tech Thusiast.
If we did an article like this you can immediately imagine who is the winner. But the most curious must know that the little Chinese demon won in terms of speed in two rounds fought against the company counterpart of Cupertino. The test is essentially based on application launch speed, in all 16: these are equally divided between games and social networks / shopping platforms / browsers. As the channel usually does, the challenge was organized in two rounds and we start with the camera app; as you continue with speedtest it is important to remember that all applications remain running in the background and they are absolutely not eliminated: this aspect is fundamental for the second round as it is based on the re-opening of the same apps, in reverse order, but with all the apps open. The result will amaze you.
For the lazy, who don't want to see the whole video, let's make a summary of what happens: during the first round there victory, although not overwhelming, is from Redmi who takes the throne for an 11 score at 8. In particular, the Xiaomi sub-brand device wins on the opening of the Google, eBay, GoogleNews, Twitter, YouTube, Candy Crush, Pokemon Go and Temple Run 2 browsers. The draw regards the HotDeals, Camera and Lemmings apps.
But what is surprising is now: during the second round Redmi K20 Pro decides to take a more decisive run despite the RAM nice charge e outperforms the competitor by doubling the score. In fact, he wins on many fronts such as Mario Run, Candy Crush, Asphalt, YouTube, GoogleNews, Instagram, HotDeals, eBay and Google browser concluding this round of return with a Ben 14 score at 7.
Now, the results speak for themselves, but with this we don't want to say that Redmi K20 Pro is better than the iPhone 11 Pro. As said before, a comparison on a huge scale is impossible to make and the only thing on which to base ourselves is a comparison on the performance of each device, and this time the red demon won big.
THEobjective of these comparisons, in my opinion, it must not be to increase the flame and hatred of a user against the "adversary" brand, but that of archive thought according to which a device that costs a lot is necessarily the best one. More than users, to say this is the global market: users want a product that is always new and for new it is no longer meant to be a new invoice or a last exit but something affordable with excellent performance. The concept of "the more I pay the more I have", at least in this case, is eclipsed and once again our wallets are happy about it.
.... I love redmi and everything xiaomi .. but some tests that leave a little to say ... tell me if the xiaomi has an audio system that releases the entire display from below, if it is underwater 4 meters and if it has 3 different types of lenses x cameras, etc etc ... makes you think yes ...
Hi Dax! In reality, the rear cameras of this Redmi are of three types: normal, wide-angle and telephoto. That said, it is obvious that a device with this price range cannot have all the options. What is meant in the article, as clearly expressed, is that the price does not make the quality. In any case, I would prefer not to pay extra money to have something really useless (very personal opinion, far be it from me to criticize the choices of other users) such as being able to go under water of 4 meters. It's like buying racing and non-racing tires for € 1000... Read the rest »
First of all congratulations for the blog! In addition to smartphones, you made me discover a brand with immense novelties. For the comparison you are very reasoned and must be reasoned only in terms of price ... And the price of an 11 pro certainly exceeds its value and is not understandable .. But we cannot deny the difference in technology that passes on the devices and the various features that distinguish them, there are many more besides the examples made and maybe even more useful 3d faceid etc ... but a pity x the recurring form x example .. Of course it's like buying a mini pc against a... Read the rest »