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Released MIUI 6.11.24 China Developer, complete changelog

Hello MIUIers of Italy and welcome to the complete changelog for the new version of the branch China Developer which reaches the MIUI 6.11.24 numbering and that I remember it is published weekly every Thursday night.

This week, Xiaomi gives us a lot of updates and solutions, some of which we've been waiting for for a long time, such as the ability to disable notifications directly from the lock screen. I do not anticipate further changes and leave you to the highlights and the complete changelog.

Note # 1 The update for the Mi 5, Mi 5s, Mi 5s Plus, Mi Note 2 and Mi MIX has been suspended again for testing and optimization by Qualcomm.
Note # 2 The update for Mi2 / Mi2S has been suspended due to stability problems.

Swipe to delete a notification from the lock screen
From today, at the arrival of a notification, you can mark it as read already simply by sliding it from left to right directly from the lock screen and without the need to unlock the phone.


Settings for System Launcher
We have added two settings for the Home screens. One is automatic positioning of icons based on free space and the other is icon locking. You will finally have more control over the management of icons.

Music - New graphics for playlists
A new graphic will make it even more enjoyable to enjoy your playlists.


MIUI 8 China Developer ROM 6.11.24 Full Changelog

Optimized - Battery consumption problems with NFC
Optimized - Improved accuracy of fingerprint recognition
Fixed - With earphones inserted, the volume of notifications and ringtones was too high

Optimized - Message notification with tracking codes are highlighted differently than unread messages
Optimized - The name of the sending company is visible on the cards

[Lock Screen, Status Bar, Notification Bar]
New - In the lockscreen it is possible to dismiss a notification by sliding it
New - The fingerprint can be used instead of the privacy password
Optimized - Interface settings for screen lock, password and fingerprint readout

[Home Screenshots]
New - New Home settings

New - New playlists graphics
Optimized - In-app downloads

Fixed - FC forced closures in Mi Mover

Optimized - Redesigned Content Interface
Resolved - The status bar and Home did not receive weather updates
Fixed - High battery consumption in standby or Airplane mode
Fixed - FC forced closures

Optimized - Data loss notice before a factory reset

[MI Wallet]
New - WeChat payments with Mi Credits
Fixed - Fixed Mi Pay logo

Source | MIUI International Forum

Simone Rodriguez
Simone Rodriguez

Blogger, but above all passionate about technology. I am part of a generation that has passed from the cathode ray tube to smartphones, making me witness to an unprecedented technological evolution. From 2012 I assiduously follow the Xiaomi brand that with the conveyance of various projects led me to realize, the home of all the Italian Xiaomisti. Write me: [email protected]


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