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Released MIUI 6.12.15 China Developer, complete changelog

Hello MIUIers of Italy and welcome to the complete changelog for the new version of the China Developer branch that reaches the MIUI 6.12.15 numbering and I remember it being published weekly every Thursday night.

This week we find a changelog not very rich and very "china oriented" but there are still some small useful news for everyone. In fact, a further evolution of the personal hotspot has arrived which now also allows you to manage the blacklist (only Qualcomm devices). Also useful is the new quick toggle for activating energy saving.

Here are some important notices about specific releases:
1. The update for the Mi MIX, Mi Note 2, Mi 5s, Mi 5s Plus has been suspended for stability tests
2. The update for the Mi 4S will be delayed due to last minute problems.
3. The Mi Max / Prime update has been suspended in preparation for the Android 7 based beta

MIUI 8 China Developer ROM 6.12.15 Full Changelog

[Lock Screen, Status Bar, Notification Bar]

Improved - Floating non-notifications will no longer appear in DND "Do Not Disturb" mode
New - The screen for organizing quick toggles now allows you to populate a shortcut or not
New - Added the "battery saver" shortcut that can also be entered in the notification bar

Fixed - When updating the information after dark, the background image with changed

New - New functions for the personal hotspot (devices with SoC Qualcomm also include a list of blocked devices)

New - Completely redesigned App Store

[MI Wallet]
New - Shortcut in the home for transport cards
New - Bank contacts in new cards added
Improved - Optimize character colors in bank cards
Fixed - Screen flashed after opening transport cards

Source | Forum MIUI
Simone Rodriguez
Simone Rodriguez

Blogger, but above all passionate about technology. I am part of a generation that has passed from the cathode ray tube to smartphones, making me witness to an unprecedented technological evolution. From 2012 I assiduously follow the Xiaomi brand that with the conveyance of various projects led me to realize, the home of all the Italian Xiaomisti. Write me: [email protected]


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