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Xiaomi H3Y back to show up in the picture. Arrive in July?

Xiaomi H3Y

Do you remember the Xiaomi H3Y that was rumored some time ago? Well, the terminal tonight has come back to show and with him new information and a likely launch time. The source that first suppressed the hypothesis of a presumed Xiaomi H3Y was the Chinese @upleaks insider, and it is he who has to rediscover it [...]

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Simone Rodriguez
Simone Rodriguez

Blogger, but above all passionate about technology. I am part of a generation that has passed from the cathode ray tube to smartphones, making me witness to an unprecedented technological evolution. From 2012 I assiduously follow the Xiaomi brand that with the conveyance of various projects led me to realize, the home of all the Italian Xiaomisti. Write me: [email protected]


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