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Xiaomi has dominated the Indian market for over two years, here are the numbers

Xiaomi is a rising brand all over the world, but if there is a country in which it dominates without competition (or almost) this is India. Today we discover that our favorite smartphone and gadget maker is the first brand in the Indian country for ten consecutive quarters. Moreover, seven of the ten most sold devices in India in the last year are precisely Xiaomi.

The general manager of Xiaomi India, Manu Kumar Jain, has recently communicated all the data on Twitter. In the tweet below, we can then go and read his exact words.

Xiaomi has dominated the Indian market for over two years, here are the numbers

Xiaomi is the first top-selling smartphone brand for ten consecutive quarters (IDC source).

  • We have almost the 50% market share.
  • One in two smartphones purchased online is Xiaomi.
  • Almost four times larger than the second brand and about five times the third.
  • Four out of five smartphones sold online are Xiaomi.

Manu Kumar Jain


In related images we can then see what the real numbers are. We have Xiaomi at 48,68% market share, with Samsung in second place at 13,54%, Realme third with 10,68%, Honor in fourth position 7,79% and finally ASUS at 3,16%.

Going to see the best-selling smartphones instead, we discover that in India four of the five best-selling smartphones are produced by Xiaomi, specifically we find the Redmi 6A in first position, Redmi Note 6 Pro in second, the Redmi Y3 in fourth and the super cheap Redmi Go in fifth.

xiaomi india results

In another tweet instead, Manu reveals the data regarding the total sales that include both online and offline sales. Here Xiaomi dominates even more, placing its devices in the first three positions (Redmi 6A, Redmi Note 6 Pro and Redmi Y2) and winning 7 places out of ten, as we can see in the following infographic.

Finally, if you are interested in the numbers, Redmi 6A has sold about three million units (with 9,5% market share), Redmi Note 6 Pro has sold 1,5 million (4,8%) and Redmi Y2 well 1,23 million (3,86% ).

xiaomi india results

We must admit that the data coming from India are nothing short of extraordinary. Will the same thing happen in Italy in the following years? We obviously hope so, and you?

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Pierpaolo Figuccia
Pierpaolo Figuccia

Nerd, passionate about technology, photography and video maker. And of course I love Xiaomi products!


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