Do you remember in the past when that indiscretion emerged about the possibility of Xiaomi selling a laptop? | Xiaomi Mi Laptop: Features and Super Price |. Well, despite the fact that it was far-fetched in terms of specifications, the underlying concept was not at all. In fact, in the last few hours we discovered that the Chinese giant Xiaomi has made more contact with Samsung about the supply of memory chips and displays. All this would be perfectly permissible, as these could also be used on smartphones.
However, when it is an important editorial like Bloomberg which reports the news, we do not believe that it could be a simple rumor. Moreover we must not forget the close work that Xiaomi is carrying out with Microsoft for the development of the software platform 10 Windows Mobile. By sharing most of the code (Windows 10 is the first universal operating system), we might think that Xiaomi is also testing something from the notebook point of view.
Analyzing the story from a corporate point of view, the entry into the notebook market could represent a double-edged blade for Xiaomi. Being a very well-known brand in Asia, sales could go very well but if we think about the general recession of the sector, sales could go wrong. Everything, in our opinion, will once again be played on the price. If Xiaomi will be able to offer a laptop with important technical features (perhaps with the new Intel Skylake sixth generation processors) at a competitive price, could take away many market shares from Apple but above all from Lenovo, a true ruler in the sector.
via | Xiaomi Fans Italia