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Xiaomi Mi Band 1s available on!

Judging by the many views of the presentation article and the lively ferment that has just been created on the net after its official announcement, we soon realized that many of you are seriously interested in purchasing Xiaomi Mi Band 1s! It's so true? And if I told you it is finally available on

Xiaomi Mi Band 1s

Xiaomi Mi Band 1s

Lo Xiaomi Mi Band 1s has already won the heart of many of us. We are sure that he will certainly match the success of his predecessor and, why not, even overcome it. The new wearable of Xiaomi is an intelligent accessory that, despite the small price, has a lot to offer: thanks to it we can be aware of the notifications on our smarphone, we can monitor the quality of our sleep and keep in check all those fitness related parameters. The new We Band 1s in fact, in addition to running from pedometer and detector of burned calories, is also able to monitor ours heart activity with the appropriate pulsed light sensor located at the bottom of the device. An accessory, in short, you can not really give up!

Xiaomi Mi Band 1s

After this brief overview of the device we come to the juice of the matter. We are happy to announce that Xiaomi Mi Band 1s is finally available on the store of at the fantastic price of just ones 33 euros!

It is not a pre-order, the We Band 1s is available in ready-to-delivery!

Xiaomi Mi Band 1s

It is necessary to remember that by purchasing from the store of Smartylife you will be entitled to the following pre- and post-sales service:

  • the security of a secure purchase through the Paypal payment;
  • right of withdrawal downtown 14 days from the date of receipt of the product;
  • product replacement for factory defects found within 30 days from the date of receipt.

To buy it Xiaomi Mi Band 1s just click on the link below, add the device to your cart and proceed with the checkout. At this stage, being the We Band an accessory, you can choose only the shipping method "ACCESSORIES"That at the cost of dollars 6 will allow you to receive your order in approximately 10 - 12 days working and without having to incur additional customs charges.

For more information on this and other shipping methods you can consult this article.

Hurry up guys! already has a small stock of We Band 1s in Italy, the first lucky people who will buy it will be able to receive this little jewel in the within 4 - 5 working days.

Buy the Xiaomi Mi Band 1s

Xiaomi Mi Band 1s

What are you waiting for? The Xiaomi Mi Band 1s you are waiting for it !!

Article Xiaomi Mi Band 1s available on! seems to be the first of

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Simone Rodriguez
Simone Rodriguez

Blogger, but above all passionate about technology. I am part of a generation that has passed from the cathode ray tube to smartphones, making me witness to an unprecedented technological evolution. From 2012 I assiduously follow the Xiaomi brand that with the conveyance of various projects led me to realize, the home of all the Italian Xiaomisti. Write me: [email protected]


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