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Xiaomi Mi Band 1S Receives First Teardown! There it is!

In early November, Xiaomi has officially launched the new generation of activity tracker, with the name of Xiaomi Mi Band 1S.


Xiaomi Mi Band 1S is disconnected for the first time!


Xiaomi Mi Band 1S


But what makes this device different from the beginning We Band? It comes with a heart rate monitor who controls yours heartbeat. Count the number of steps while walking and running and keeping track of the number of calories burned during the various activities. In addition to these features this wearer is able to measure the quality of your sleep.


Like the previous version, it is Xiaomi Mi Band 1S can be used for unlock the smartphone and alert you by the vibration of the arrival of a new smartphone notification.
This brief presentation was necessary to introduce the main topic of this article. Thanks to the Asian portal we can provide you this photo teardown who sees himself as the protagonist Xiaomi Mi Band 1S of which we have spoken so far. It's incredible to see how this technology concentrate looks very simple to accomplish. Hope you can appreciate these images, good vision!


Xiaomi Mi Band 1S Xiaomi Mi Band 1S Xiaomi Mi Band 1SXiaomi Mi Band 1SXiaomi Mi Band 1SXiaomi Mi Band 1SXiaomi Mi Band 1SXiaomi Mi Band 1SXiaomi Mi Band 1SXiaomi Mi Band 1SXiaomi Mi Band 1SXiaomi Mi Band 1SXiaomi Mi Band 1SXiaomi Mi Band 1SXiaomi Mi Band 1SXiaomi Mi Band 1SXiaomi Mi Band 1S







Article Xiaomi Mi Band 1S Receives First Teardown! There it is! seems to be the first of

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Simone Rodriguez
Simone Rodriguez

Blogger, but above all passionate about technology. I am part of a generation that has passed from the cathode ray tube to smartphones, making me witness to an unprecedented technological evolution. From 2012 I assiduously follow the Xiaomi brand that with the conveyance of various projects led me to realize, the home of all the Italian Xiaomisti. Write me: [email protected]


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