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Xiaomi Mi5, ready the first nightly CyanogenMod 13 official

When Xiaomi released the source codes of the Mi5 in early September, the wait for the CyanogenMod 13, the most famous custom ROM in the Android development landscape, officially began. Today the wait is over as the first one has finally been released Nightly official of the CyanogenMod 13 for the Xiaomi Mi 5.

The news is not only important for lovers of the experience of use "Google Stock" but also for anyone who deals with modding or utter the use of a custom ROM at the MIUI Official. In fact the CyanogenMod it is the basis on which most of the alternative ROMs available online are developed.

Personally I think the MIUI rom is a real added value of Xiaomi phones but I recognize the importance of official compatibility CyanogenMod which guarantees long-term software support in the unfortunate event that Xiaomi decided to suspend its development of this model.

As always in these cases, before you try to change your ROM, remember that although it's a ready-to-use release, it's still possible to bugs and blocks. Be aware of a procedure that might invalidate your warranty and, in the worst case scenario, damage your device. We do not take any responsibility.

Below you will find all the packages and guides needed to install the CyanogenMod 13 for the Xiaomi Mi5 including the GApps not included in the release.

Installation Guide for a Custom ROM

Xiaomi Mi 5 CyanogenMod Wiki

Download CyanogenMod 13 for Xiaomi Mi 5

Download GApps (ARM64> 6.0)

Official Forum Thread on XDA

Simone Rodriguez
Simone Rodriguez

Blogger, but above all passionate about technology. I am part of a generation that has passed from the cathode ray tube to smartphones, making me witness to an unprecedented technological evolution. From 2012 I assiduously follow the Xiaomi brand that with the conveyance of various projects led me to realize, the home of all the Italian Xiaomisti. Write me: [email protected]


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