We often talk about updates concerning the various Xiaomi-branded smartphones and automatically the various users comment asking when their device will be updated, improved and not left to an unknown destiny. Among the many users complaining about this we find the owners of Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Pro, a true 2018 vest buy and that still continues to grind sales despite the presentation of two new generation versions such as Redmi Note 6 pro and Redmi Note 7 as well as Redmi Note 7 Pro.
Undoubtedly Redmi Note 5 Pro was one of those devices that contributed to the growth of the Chinese brand outside China, but it has already been a long time since the device remained in the MIUI 10 on Android Oreo 8.1 and therefore the question is legitimate when the last major release of the green robot arrives, considering we are going to release Android Q, already in beta on the Pixel series terminals.
Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Pro: the wait is over. Via to the download of Android 9 Pie
Well the time has come to give you the good news: the first beta version of the Android based 9.0 Pie firmware is available for download. The update comes with the MIUI 10 in 9.3.25 beta version with a weight of about 1,7 GB and therefore if you are impatient to wait for the release in stable form you can proceed to download the flashable .zip file with the usual procedures of the case.
As usual, it should be emphasized that being a first beta version, there may be some bugs and anomalies, so we recommend that you always make a backup of all the data stored on your Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Pro, as well as comment below letting you know your experience, if you find improvements or anything. Indeed I am curious to know from you how you have customized your phone, considering that since the launch the device has been under the attention of the modding world, thanks to porting of GCam, Custom ROM etc ..