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Xiaomi, via the global roll-out of the MIUI 7 in stable version

A few days ago, Xiaomi he had officially announced what would be the devices for which the update would be made available to the new one MIUI 7: for the joy of the users, the list is long enough, and the roll-out, scheduled for today, is timely on the go.

Continue reading Xiaomi, via the global roll-out of the MIUI 7 in stable version on Androidiani.Com

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Simone Rodriguez
Simone Rodriguez

Blogger, but above all passionate about technology. I am part of a generation that has passed from the cathode ray tube to smartphones, making me witness to an unprecedented technological evolution. From 2012 I assiduously follow the Xiaomi brand that with the conveyance of various projects led me to realize, the home of all the Italian Xiaomisti. Write me: [email protected]


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