Here we are here to talk about the future terminals of Xiaomi. This time there are two devices in the center of attention! Which? The Xiaomi Mi Pad 2 and Xiaomi Mi Watch!
Xiaomi will present its Mi Pad 2 and Mi Watch at the November Annual Conference?
After attending the official launch of Xiaomi Mi4c, the attention of Chinese company fans is now all about the next devices that have yet to be presented. Among smartphones, what is still missing is no shadow of doubt Xiaomi Mi5 while among other devices like not counting it Xiaomi Mi Pad 2 and We Watch. We will talk about these two in this article, and we will do it to let you know the alleged launch time!
Our source, as is often the case, is the Chinese social network Weibo, a true dispenser of news and indiscretions. For the precision is the famous leaker Leaksfly to let us know about this alleged launch period, which unfortunately is still far away.
The image we just presented you is a screenshot of our Chinese leaker bulletin board. Chrome translation is by no means the best, but it allows us to fully understand the meaning of its statement: second Leaksfly, Mi Pad 2 (in translation referred to as "millet flat") and the We Watch will be presented during the usual annual conference that Xiaomi keeps you punctually in the month of November. Leaksfy has been proven on several occasions reliable, in other no ... will he be right this time? Only time will tell you!
Before we say hello, we remind you that il Mi Pad 2 has already received the certification at Chinese government agencies, so in theory it would be ready for official marketing. For what concern We Watch Instead, you have very little information available (you can find them , here) which unfortunately do not allow us to make predictions about its possible presentation. We have to wait for further developments, but be assured that as soon as dinners will be communicated to you promptly. Stay tuned!
Article Xiaomi Watch and My Pad 2: check the launch time! seems to be the first of Smartylife.net.
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