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2Smarty, the portal to sell and buy your smartphone!

Are you going to sell your smartphone or do you want to buy one used? has what it is for you! In this article you will find interesting news, find out with us!

2Smarty, the smartphone and tablet retailer!


Do you want to sell your smartphone or do you want to buy one used? Or do not you find the right buyer or product of your own interest? No fear! has the solution to all your problems. What are we talking about? Of 2Smarty obviously!

2Smarty is pleased to announce the birth of 2Smarty, the private smartphone and tablet-buying portal, both Chinese and non-commercial.

Through 2Smarty you can easily insert a sales ad for your jewelery technology or just look for the product you are interested in.

There are some devices already on the portal, why not look at them? You can visit 2Smarty by clicking on the link below or simply by typing in your browser's search bar address

Visit 2Smarty

But how to move on the new site? Nothing simple and intuitive! Once you enter, you'll be in front of the following screen where you can search in the relevant bar, view the last entered ads, or enter your own.


Let us concentrate on this last operation. In order to be able to place ads you will have to register for free on the portal and confirm your registration via the email that will be delivered to the address you selected during the registration. Once you've done these simple steps, you can start posting your ads.

To do so just click on the "Post your ad for free”Which will redirect you to the following screen. Here you can begin to fill in the various fields: choose the category to which your product belongs, enter a nice title and a brief description of the device, finally choose the price at which to sell it.


In the section below you can enter the technical specifications of your product, so you can easily search for prospective buyers.


In the section "Terms"You can put on several occasions if you accept payments Paypal and / or offer free shipping. We also recommend adding beautiful photos of your product at every angle, giving you more visibility to your product! Finally, in the last section, enter the place of the ad. Once you have completed all this, enter the code snippet and click on the public button to post your ad.


What did I tell you? Nothing easier!

Guys we hope you enjoy this initiative and we count on your help to grow even more! What are you waiting for? Fill 2Smarty of sale ads! : p

Article 2Smarty, the portal to sell and buy your smartphone! seems to be the first of

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Simone Rodriguez
Simone Rodriguez

Blogger, but above all passionate about technology. I am part of a generation that has passed from the cathode ray tube to smartphones, making me witness to an unprecedented technological evolution. From 2012 I assiduously follow the Xiaomi brand that with the conveyance of various projects led me to realize, the home of all the Italian Xiaomisti. Write me: [email protected]


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