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Also in Europe the wearable sector sees Xiaomi in mind

About three weeks ago we had already told you about the fact that Xiaomi in the technological sector of the wearable, on a global scale, it has managed to become the first manufacturer even surpassing Apple. The data had been made public by IDC that now delights us with a new report, dedicated to the European market. And guess what? Also in Europe Xiaomi's dominance of rival brands, and in many ways even more performing, is strong.

In particular, the published data concern the market in Europe, the Middle East and Africa, where in the wearable sector Xiaomi appears in the lead, albeit only a few percentage points compared to FitBit, a sector reference.


Also in Europe the wearable sector sees Xiaomi in mind

For lovers of numbers, Xiaomi has managed to totalize 1,15 millions of shipments conquering one 17,5% market share, while Apple totals about 0,99 million units sold with a share of 15%. A growth obtained without a doubt thanks to low prices compared to rival brands such as Apple and FitBit, an index that in the wearable market the average user no longer searches for a product exclusivity and above all that the basic functions, such as those proposed by Mi Band 3, are able to satisfy the most common needs.


Even Samsung gets good numbers, ranking in fourth place with about 0,80 million shipments and the 12,2% market share. Going beyond the individual successes of the brands, what appears more marked is like the wearable market is becoming increasingly popular so much so that the statistics reveal that in 2022, wearable devices may come close to touching 44 million units worth over 11 billion dollars, only in the territory EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa). Values ​​that allow us to glimpse even a decidedly close future, where the above mentioned producers will pour their knowledge, to offer users more and more smart solutions.

Emanuele Iafulla
Emanuele Iafulla

Nerd, Geek, Netizen, terms that do not belong to me. Simply myself, technology lover and provocative as Xiaomi does with his products. High quality at fair prices, a real provocation for the other most famous brands.


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