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Collaboration between Microsoft and Xiaomi: more details from Hugo Barra

The surprise announcement of the collaboration between Xiaomi e Microsoft, a collaboration that in the short time will bring the latest mobile operating system of Redmond's home, Windows Mobile 10.0, also on the former top Xiaomi range, the Mi4. Needless to say the huge media clamor that has been created around this affair, and I have to say that even though I am still reluctant to buy a Windows Phone, I follow with some interest the evolution of this situation.

To those who like me are interested, I propose the screenshoot of a message posted by Hugo Barra on your facebook account.


The vice president of Xiaomi Global, following the many questions received from fans, wanted to clarify a few points. For those who do not want to read the post in English here is a brief summary.

  • Collaboration is only experimental and is conducted by Microsoft exclusively with the Mi fan community of China.
  • Microsoft is at work on a build of Windows 10 specially compiled for the Mi4. You will not be able to have both OSs on the device, so nothing dual-boot (sin). The few Chinese users who will be selected to test the technical prewiew will have to manually download and scan Windows 10, and they will be able to repeat the same steps back to Android.
  • Xiaomi encourages users who want to try new things, that is why, for example, all Xiaomi smartphones are delivered with unlocked bootloader. However, the experimental program will be conducted exclusively with Chinese users.
  • Xiaomi will continue to use the 'Android ecosystem for its products and many are the features and services on which the Chinese giant is at work.

Hugo Barra then wanted to clarify some things and calm down the hot spirits of those who are eager to try Windows Mobile on their Mi4: for the time being international users are denied this possibility, but if the experimental program conducted by Microsoft and come on MIUI fan it will lead to good results, we are sure that we will also have the opportunity to test out the fruits of this collaboration by hand.



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Simone Rodriguez
Simone Rodriguez

Blogger, but above all passionate about technology. I am part of a generation that has passed from the cathode ray tube to smartphones, making me witness to an unprecedented technological evolution. From 2012 I assiduously follow the Xiaomi brand that with the conveyance of various projects led me to realize, the home of all the Italian Xiaomisti. Write me: [email protected]


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