Google has produced two versions of the Nexus 7, the first in 2012 and a revised and powerful version in the 2013, both in collaboration with Asus.
The two versions, which differed greatly in the hardware specifications, had one also thanks to the relationship between quality and price.
And then what happened?
The following year was presented the Nexus 9, 9 4 tablet in 3 format: XNUMX produced in conjunction with HTC, at a much higher price than the previous ones and we did not have any news for the Nexus 7 ... Until today!
In fact, according to some rumors circulated on Weibo, the service of microblogging more common in China and the source of numerous rumors of this kind, it seems Google wants to renew the tablet line in collaboration with Huawei, through the production of the new Nexus 7 2016.
This combination is not new and, as you know between the last two Google devices on the market, the Nexus 6p it was produced, by the way, from Huawei Technologies.
The source states that the project is already under development, although it does not specify anything about the technical details of the product.
The clues suggest that the new Mountain View device will come presented to the next Google I / O, to be held late spring.
Strong of its results in the mobile industry, Huawei seems to be getting more and more affirmed in recent times, trying to make room among the giants of the industry.
The great marketing campaign implemented in Europe in the last two years is bringing the fruits hoped for, changing the image of its brand in the eyes of people, who no longer see the devices as something "Chinese" and of poor quality, but as refined and premium products (especially the last tops of the Mate S and P8 range, in addition to the last Nexus 6p of course).
We will see if these rumors will prove to be well-founded in the coming months, though most likely the new Nexus 7 will not appear before next fall, obviously waiting for new rumors about the technical specifications that, if the news turns out to be true, will soon arrive!
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