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HIMO C16: new electric bike on Xiaomi crowdfunding

Fortunately, even in Italy the legislation governing electric vehicles seems to take a positive turn. Actually, for electric bicycles, there has already been regulation for some time, and it was precisely on these ecological vehicles that Xiaomi pushed the accelerator on its crowdfunding platform. Among the most popular models we find the proposals of Himo, a well-known brand of electric vehicles, which has launched a new model for 1999 yuan on Xiaomi's Youpin, about 250 euros at current exchange rates.

himo c16

The design is renewed with respect to the previous solutions, combining the advantages of a bicycle with those of a scooter, allowing a satisfying pedaling, maximizing the space between pedal and handlebar giving more freedom to the legs. Dimensions equal to 1500 x 610 x 1000 mm (length / width / height), pitch of 1045 mm and weight of 32,5 kg, the HIMO C16 is able to travel from 55 km to 75 km away with a maximum speed of 25 km / h thanks to its 250W electric motor. The maximum weight that can be transported is 100 Kg.

himo c16

HIMO C16: new electric bike on Xiaomi crowdfunding

The HIMO C16 uses one battery 12 Ah removable lithium battery, so it can be recharged or replaced easily. There is also a mechanical lock to prevent improper use of the vehicle while at the lighting level there are both on the front and on the rear long-range LED headlights. Of course, a black and white screen that shows mileage, speed and other useful information cannot be missing. Finally, unlike other models in circulation, we find a comfortable footrest that can also be used as a luggage rack while on the rear we also have a comfortable seat for the transport of a second user, respecting however the maximum transport of 100 Kg.

Available in three colors, such as white, gray and khaki, after the crowdfunding period, the Himo C16 will be available for purchase for all at an increased price of 2599 yuan, equal to approximately 325 euros at current exchange rates, but if you are interested in the 'purchase it seems that the product is already available at alternative stores such as Aliexpress or Geekbuying.

Emanuele Iafulla
Emanuele Iafulla

Nerd, Geek, Netizen, terms that do not belong to me. Simply myself, technology lover and provocative as Xiaomi does with his products. High quality at fair prices, a real provocation for the other most famous brands.


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