The Chinese company Meitu is closing its doors, but not completely, but only what concerns the smartphone division and their production. If at this moment you are confused and cannot understand why we are of Meitu on XiaomiToday, we refer you to this post in which we report the acquisition of Meitu by the giant Xiaomi Group.
Well, going back to today's news, that is the closure of the Meitu Mobile business, it came after the communication of the total turnover for the year 2018. In fact, the company had only 2,8 billion Yuan (370 million euros), a decrease of 37,8% compared to the previous year, with a total loss of 87,91 million Yuan, or 11 million euros. These negative data come above all from the smartphone sector.
Meitu closes its doors and Xiaomi takes the reins
Specifically, they had a turnover of 1,843 billion yuan in, the 50,7% less than in the 2017. Reason for which, the Meitu hardware side business will be completely finished by June. After that, everything will pass into the hands of Xiaomi who will decide what to do with what's left, whether to develop new devices, produce them and sell them or not; in any case, Meitu will receive a percentage and will continue to live.
Meitu began producing smartphones in the distant 2013, since then the brand has been promoted by several well-known personalities in China, especially girls / women like the famous Angelababy, who later even became the brand's spokesperson.
Now a question arises, why would Xiaomi have acquired a business that did not seem to be growing at all? Well, Xiaomi has never been interested in the Meitu devices themselves, but in the technology that many of them are equipped with.
We are talking about algorithms for creating photos especially for the female audience, with various effects for "increasing beauty" and so on. In particular we have the MTface which is used to recognize the various details of the face, MTsegment to separate the subject from the background, MTbeauty for face retouching, MTmakeup to apply makeup digitally, MTrestore to restore details lost when shooting, MTenhance to increase the general image quality and even MTpose to be able to modify every part of the body to one's liking.
So basically, you can say goodbye to diets and gyms, in the future with your Xiaomi smartphone you can change everything without even being good with photoshop.
Now tell us yours, what do you think of all these features? Do they seem useful to you? Let us know in the comments section below! In the meantime I go to cancel the season ticket at the gym.