Especially for the Chinese market where the Play Store it is not available, the big telephony brands are used to launch their own applications so that users can take advantage of the "brand services" in the round. Xiaomi he already does it with We Home for home accessories and home automation or even with We Fit for fitness. And speaking of fitness, it seems that Xiaomi has launched a new application in China that allows, just like Mi Fit, to monitor the progress we make from the point of view of movement and health. It is called Mi Health and to discover it is the staff of XDA.
Mi Health: the new Xiaomi fitness app (download)
As for the application's features, it differs little from We Fit in reality: number of steps with time, distance and calories burned and above all sleep control to see how much and how we sleep during the night. Also, very nice thing, the app gives us a calculated BMI score (ie the fat mass index), sleep and physical activity: the closer we get to the goal we are Mi Health it automatically gives us (and we can eventually change) the higher the score. The app also forms indicators on the home page they show the progress of the daily, weekly and monthly activities. Mi Health asks permission to be started in the background and automatically to work at its best and in fact there is no need to keep it active to keep the sleep tracking, for example.
Although the developer staff has written that the app in question is only available for the MIUI China Developer 9.7.23, we found a link to download theapk: we leave you , here warning you, however, that we have tried it and it works but with some accuracy problems. We therefore reiterate the XDA staff advice: wait until the application is officially released, both for security reasons and because the official version will certainly work better.