If it is true that this month we have sadly said goodbye to the Global Beta on Xiaomi devices, it is also true that in China this remains and is implemented day by day with new and super useful functions. In the case of the latest version 9.8.19, as we learn from the developers of XDA, three new features have been added that are really not bad at increasing the versatility of the appreciated one MIUI 10. We don't know if they will be added to our devices before thearrival of MIUI 11, but there are some and to tell the truth we communicate them to you: let's see in detail what they are and what it is.
MIUI 10 Beta: three good news to implement the 9.8.19 version
Specifically, these are called functions "Screen Cast"(Ie the broadcast functionality on a screen),"Dark Mode Shedule”(Programming for dark mode operation) andadding a new font which honestly changes little from the previous one and which would show the letters of our alphabet slightly more detached in order to make everything seem a little more linear and orderly.
As for the first feature, the "Screen Cast", It is a function that would allow you to transmit on another screen a part or all of the information shown on the display of our Xiaomi device. So if we want to watch videos or photos at the same time but continue to use the smartphone, we can do it without any problems by transmitting the first on a larger screen. This feature is very useful when we have to do jobs that require a certain level of multitasking, such as playing and seeing gameplay at the same time. To access this function it will be enough go to "Settings" and click on it: by the way, when we're going to choose the feature, MIUI will show us some samples and then we will see how the display of our smartphone will appear.
The second feature goes on to further implement a function that, for some applications only, has already arrived on tenth release MIUI. We await you with on MIUI 11 as it could be applied to the whole system leading to a remarkable battery saving. It is a function that there allows you to plan the activation and deactivation of the Dark Mode based on times we decide. If we want to have it active during the day because the external light with that of the display bothers us, we can do it; conversely we can set the deactivation for the evening when the sunlight has fallen and we no longer need it.
The last feature, even in terms of importance, is theadding a new font called MiLan Pro which adds that extra touch of cleanliness that some will appreciate. Unfortunately the writing in the screenshot is in Chinese and therefore the difference that you see is really minimal, but we can still notice it if we look at the word "MIUI 10" in the "Settings" screen.