As usual Xiaomi does not disappoint and only 2 months from the release of Android 7 is already working to update the MIUI's "Android base" for its top range, the Xiaomi Mi5 will receive soon and upgrade to Nougat first.
It obviously starts with the "closed" Alpha Tests that will allow a small circle of users who request it to help developers verify the stability of the system before the opening of the Beta Tests.
On the official forum it is possible to apply for inclusion in the tester group China Developer MIUI8 Android7 and must meet the following requirements:
- Possessing a Mi5 (obviously)
- Have a minimum of knowledge of ROMs and MIUIs
- Be an active member of the Forum
- Be available to use the QQ instant messenger to discuss with other participants
There is only time until 21 November to make the request complete this module. The next week will be the turn of the Global Developer.
I remind you, if you need it, that Alpha versions are highly unstable and they can also have very important bugs. Becoming part of the tests should not be just an opportunity to try a new version as you may find yourself with a "broken down" phone and above all you could steal a place in the team from someone who really wants to contribute.