We receive news of a curious story directly from China: a man named Mr. Zhang brought Xiaomi to court for the failure to release the update that was supposed to unlock all the features of the NFC chip of his Mi 5s Plus. the purchase after reading on the company's website about the MIUI update, which would have allowed the use of bank cards and cards for public transport. The update was expected in late October but never came. Mr. Zhang first attempted to contact the company, requesting a refund and additional compensation, without receiving a reply. Xiaomi's attitude forced the man to take legal action. The validity of the complaint is guaranteed by the consumer protection act which protects the buyer in case of misleading advertising and other unfair activities towards the consumer. The case is still open but it is very likely that it will be resolved in favor of Mr Zhang, "deceived" by the company's website and guilty only of waiting for an update that in reality never arrived.