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SOC Challenge: Qualcomm vs MediaTek

On this poor day of rumors and rumors, I have been thinking of deepening the discourse on a hardware component that is often and willfully discriminating in the choice of our future smartphone: I am talking about System-On-the-Chip, better known by acronym SOC.


Why talk about it? Here's the answer. I believe that something is changing. I'll tell you better, and I will try to be as short as possible. As you know SOC which we find on our mobile devices are produced, in the vast majority of cases, by two big companies in the industry: Qualcomm e MediaTek. It's no secret that the American Qualcomm has always been a net advantage over the performance, reliability and support of its chips, compared to the Taiwanese Mediatek but, as I told you before, something is changing. I think that gap gap that we could find between the two companies has slowly plummeted to become almost zero during this first quarter of the 2015. MediaTek, according to my humble opinion, has finally reached the know-how necessary to be able to compete with equal weapons Qualcomm, and this is demonstrated by the various benchmarks that compare the chips produced by the two companies. If you do, however, it is no longer rare, as it may have happened a few years ago, that smartphone makers adopt the solutions proposed by MediaTek even for their flagship devices, and this is certainly an index of the goodness of the work done by the Asian chip maker. Finally, given the recent development of 10 core processors with exceptional performance, MediaTek could turn the situation once and for all with the rival Qualcomm, placing himself definitively in the first place.

The one just exposed, as mentioned above, is the fruit of a personal opinion, so I invite you to say yours. To really tell the purpose of this article is just to open an open discussion around this topic where everyone can tell her, come forward and tell me what you think!

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Simone Rodriguez
Simone Rodriguez

Blogger, but above all passionate about technology. I am part of a generation that has passed from the cathode ray tube to smartphones, making me witness to an unprecedented technological evolution. From 2012 I assiduously follow the Xiaomi brand that with the conveyance of various projects led me to realize, the home of all the Italian Xiaomisti. Write me: [email protected]


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