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Xiaomi: Over 119mln of phones shipped in the 2018 and 1,5mln of Mi 9 coming soon

Today Xiaomi has communicated the data relating to the fourth quarter and the total data for the year 2018. Among these numbers we find the quarterly turnover which was 44 billion yuan, or 5 billion euros, a growth of 26,5% compared to the same month of the previous year. While the annual turnover was 174,9 billion yuan, which translated into euros is almost 23 billion, a growth of 52,6% on an annual basis.

But where did Xiaomi earn the most? It would seem right in our favorite sector, namely that of smartphones. Specifically, there was a turnover of 113,8 billion yuan (15 billion euros), an increase of 41,3% compared to the previous year, equal to about 65% of Xiaomi's total revenue.

Xiaomi: Over 119mln of phones shipped in the 2018 and 1,5mln of Mi 9 coming soon

Xiaomi Mi 9 dc dimming

Xiaomi Mi 9

Lei Jun stated that with regard to the mobile phone business, in the fourth quarter of 2018, Xiaomi successfully completed the goal that the brand had set for itself. By improving the quality and speed of the production process and the pace at which they are released. Resulting in a total of 119 million units shipped in 2018, an increase of 29,8% year on year.

Going into detail, smartphones with a price of 2000 yuan (260 €) and above represented the 31,8% of total revenue. This means that the average selling price (ASP) of smartphones in China has increased by 17% on an annual basis. This has contributed to the continued increase in revenue in the Xiaomi mobile sector in the Chinese market. At the same time, thanks to the growing shipments of smartphones in the developed markets of Western Europe, the corresponding ASP has grown by 9,7%.

xiaomi mi 9 sales postponed

Xiaomi Mi 9

In addition, Xiaomi has announced that the latest Xiaomi Mi 9 both in the basic version and in the Explorer Edition variant will exceed one million units shipped by the end of March. If we add even the cheapest Xiaomi Mi 9 SE we get over 1,5 millions of units around the world and we're talking about the only Mi 9 series.

Another very interesting data concerns the R&D (research and development) expenses of the Chinese giant which this year reached 5,8 billion Yuan, or over 700 million euros, an increase of 83,3% compared to last year.

Xiaomi Mi 9 SE

Xiaomi Mi 9 SE

We have to admit that Xiaomi never ceases to surprise us and this year it has surpassed itself. What do you think of the Chinese brand? Is it destined to become one of the biggest brands ever? Comment below with your opinion!

For more information about financial data, see the full press release (in English) available for this link.

Pierpaolo Figuccia
Pierpaolo Figuccia

Nerd, passionate about technology, photography and video maker. And of course I love Xiaomi products!


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