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Xiaomi-phones, update timing at MIUI V6

Already from the late evening of last 16 August, the doubt that tormented the fans of Xiaomi was that related to the update of their devices to the new MIUI V6. In the last hours we have finally learned which of the Peking house devices will receive the update and when.

During the presentation event, Hong Feng announced that obviously the Xiaomi Mi3 WCDMA / CDMA and the top of the range Mi4 will be the first to update their custom rom, however also Xiaomi Mi2, 2S, 2A, Redmi 1, 1s, Redmi Note and also Xiaomi MiPad will be able to enjoy an update by the end of the year .

On the day of yesterday, some details have been leaked, such as the confirmation that Mi3 and Mi4 will be the first, in addition to the supposed update sequence between the various devices.

Xiaomi MIUI V6

As you can see, Mi3 and Mi4 should have the official update (because of official talk) already between 3 days (September 29), except for the TD-CDMA version. Then follow all the others: MiPad (unknown timing), Redmi; Redmi Notes, Mi2 etc that unfortunately will benefit from MIUI V6 towards the end of the year.


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Simone Rodriguez
Simone Rodriguez

Blogger, but above all passionate about technology. I am part of a generation that has passed from the cathode ray tube to smartphones, making me witness to an unprecedented technological evolution. From 2012 I assiduously follow the Xiaomi brand that with the conveyance of various projects led me to realize, the home of all the Italian Xiaomisti. Write me: [email protected]


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Massimo A. Carofano
Massimo A. Carofano
10 years ago

I always feel confident if I want to buy a Mi3 I must check that it is:

Massimo A. Carofano
Massimo A. Carofano
10 years ago

Thanks a lot, I never remember that phone network we have in the case of imported smartphones .. I am very happy to create smartphones with multiple support ..