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MiFit update to get the CallerID - Guide and Download

Here is the apk exclusive to update the MiFit app and have the name of the person who is calling you on your Mi band 2 display. This update is not yet available on PlayStore and we only propose you to XiaomiToday (and Michelangelo)!

Since it is not a version designed for our market, you need to perform this procedure to the letter to enable the CallerID on SMS and calls. If the number is registered in the phonebook, the displayed name will be displayed, otherwise only the number.


Decompare your MiBand 2


Run the Xiaomi account LogOut in the MiFit app


Delete app data


Download and Install the Update


Set the Chinese language on the phone


Open the MiFit app and re-pair MiBand and log in Xiaomi



Activate the new function


The app will update the firmware of Mi Band 2

If the firmware upgrade does not start automatically, you will need to exit the app and remove it from memory through the list of recent apps and then reopen it.



Take a test


Reset the Italian language to your phone and enjoy the new feature

⚠️ If the coupon has expired, look for the updated one on ours Telegram Channel
Simone Rodriguez
Simone Rodriguez

Blogger, but above all passionate about technology. I am part of a generation that has passed from the cathode ray tube to smartphones, making me witness to an unprecedented technological evolution. From 2012 I assiduously follow the Xiaomi brand that with the conveyance of various projects led me to realize, the home of all the Italian Xiaomisti. Write me: [email protected]


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Sergio Povia
Sergio Povia
7 years ago

hello, but when will they make the official update with the caller id also on IOS?

7 years ago

to me by the number and not the name in the address book and after having it in Italian also loses the function altogether.

7 years ago
Reply to  Simone

after having put it in Italian with more locate 2 the function disappears.

7 years ago

Hi, but even with the latest release you have to put Chinese first?

Riccardo Garavaglia
Riccardo Garavaglia
8 years ago

resetting the Italian language, functionality disappears ..

Micaela Ottaviani
Micaela Ottaviani
8 years ago

On MiFit used on Iphone, can I apply this update mode?

8 years ago

I followed the guide to the letter, it works and I really like it. Thank you?
I just wanted to know if by updating the MiFit app to a higher version I would lose this future or it would remain… .thank you

8 years ago

Also shows the sender of Whatsapp messages or just calls and sms?

Michelangelo B.
Michelangelo B.
8 years ago
Reply to  marmisteryo

Calls and sms

8 years ago

Sin. Can you also show Whatsapp's sender in the future? Maybe even through third-party apps. So it would become perfect

Michelangelo B.
Michelangelo B.
8 years ago
Reply to  marmisteryo

… Look, from experience I would tell you that via the official app it is impossible.
But with third-party apps it can be ...
Keep an eye out for MiBand Notify and Miband tools which are the best

Erasmus Jupiter
Erasmus Jupiter
8 years ago

That yellow contour bracelet from where can you buy it?

Michelangelo B.
Michelangelo B.
8 years ago

Here is the aliexpress seller link where I bought it.

High-end Fashion Double Color Silicone Wrist Strap For Xiaomi Mi band 2 Smart Band with Multi-colors
(from AliExpress Android)

Erasmus Jupiter
Erasmus Jupiter
8 years ago

Thank you very much, very kind.