Among the innumerable products that Xiaomi proposes, we also have the bluetooth speaker. We have many that vary in sound quality and size. But it seems that a new bluetooth speaker of our beloved brand is about to be launched on the market: we are talking about the Mi Outdoor Bluetooth Speaker that as you can read in the title will be equipped with technology Bluetooth 5.0 but unlike all the others, it would have a feature that will appeal to many users. What are we talking about? Read the title well and you will understand ... if instead you are impatient to know what it is, continue reading in our article.
Mi Outdoor Bluetooth Speaker coming with 5.0 bluetooth certification
From the site of Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) we come to know that Xiaomi is about to announce this new device it has from its la 5.0 bluetooth technology. As we know the comforts of this technology compared to the previous 4.2 version are many: let's start with a wider range in which two devices communicate with each other without losing signal, quadrupled from the previous 4.2 and brought up to 200 meters; another feature is the connection speed that has reached 4 Mbps; last but not least important feature is signal enhancement that increased 800% data transmission capacity. Not bad right?
The most important feature of the new incoming device (whose certification is dated 7 July) is not so much the already known 5.0 bluetooth technology, as theimpermeability. Oh yes, it seems that the key particularity will be precisely this but at the moment we are not able to know if this protection is of type IP67 or IP68. For those not well informed, the first is the protection of any device in water up to a depth of one meter and for a maximum of 30 minutes, while the second guarantees a slightly higher protection allowing the devices to "stand" in water up to three meters deep for up to an hour... right if we forget it for a swim in the sea.