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Project "Shipping Italy"

Good morning guys!
It is with great emotion that I am here today to show you the developments of a project involving the editorial staff of and our partner Nitro International.
From next week you will be able to purchase some smartphone models from Nitro International with SHIPPING FROM ITALY.

Let me explain in detail what this new project is about.
Over time our referent in Nitro International (Taylor Wang) has often encountered problems such as the management of remote areas and the hurry of some customers who, for personal problems, could not stay at DHL supply and delivery times.

These particular needs have gradually multiplied with the growing reputation of (Thanks again to everyone! :-D ).

Hence the decision to start experimentally a pilot project to address these needs.
Given the confidence built during these 10 months of collaboration, Nitro International has decided to send to the editorial staff of a mini stock of some Xiaomi smartphones including Xiaomi RedRice e Xiaomi Mi3.
These smartphones will be sold by Nitro through a new Shop section on
The cost of these devices will be slightly higher than those shipped directly from China as they will be incisive shipping "Italy to Italy" by courier bartolini and customs duties paid by at the time of receipt of the stock.


This project is of utmost importance also for as the expense and shipping costs to the end customer paid by will be deducted from the cost of new smartphones to be reviewed. We do not conceal the intention of achieving the fantasy goal of the "zero cost" for videoreview terminals.

Overall, the modalities of purchase will not change.
The steps to follow will be the same:

  • Order Smartphone on the site in the new section "Italy to Italy"
  • Waiting for the PayPal payment request by Nitro International (By 24h)
  • Payment of invoice PayPal
  • Shipment via express service Bartolini (Shipping within 2g working)
  • Receiving the phone without customs within 2ggs (typically work 1g but some areas are reached after 2gg).

This new method of order evasion allows at best to receive the phone within 2gg from payment, at the worst within 4gg from the payment and in any case have the certainty of the final price without the risk of additional expense.

Let me know what you think, we can also discuss it Forum

via | Sm @ rty

Simone Rodriguez
Simone Rodriguez

Blogger, but above all passionate about technology. I am part of a generation that has passed from the cathode ray tube to smartphones, making me witness to an unprecedented technological evolution. From 2012 I assiduously follow the Xiaomi brand that with the conveyance of various projects led me to realize, the home of all the Italian Xiaomisti. Write me: [email protected]


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