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Xiaomi aims at Sicily: a new Mi Store is coming

Xiaomi recently celebrated his ninth birthday seasoned with interesting offers dedicated to Mi Fans, but the real gift could come very quickly, as the company led by Lei Jun will also reach the tip of Italy with a new Mi Store. It will be there Etnapolis shopping center, located at Belpasso in the province of Catania, to host the tech realm of Sicilian Mi Fans.

There is still no official from the Italian press office of Xiaomi, but the image below speaks for itself, as it shows the work in progress for the construction of the first Sicilian Mi Store which could be the first located in the south, provided that the works related to the one located in the province of Caserta, of which we have spoken about in this article.

There are no indications of a presumed date of inauguration but certainly after the 13 April the works could undergo a decisive step. In fact, the 13 April Xiaomi will be busy with the inauguration of the fifth Italian Mi Store located at theValmontone Outlet and the 4 may theoretically the eternal city will be seen as the protagonist of a further inauguration.we store

Xiaomi aims at Sicily: a new Mi Store is coming

We then make a summary of the national coverage of the Mi Stores, both operational and forthcoming:

  • Arese (Centro Commerciale Il Centro) (MI)
  • Novate Milanese (Metropoli Shopping Center) (MI)
  • Orio al Serio (Orio Center Shopping Center) (BG)
  • Milan (Mondadori Megastore) (MI)
  • Venice (Nave de Vero Shopping Center) (VE)
  • Valmontone (Valmontone Outlet) (RM) / opening on 13 April
we store

Mi Store Valmontone Outlet

  • Rome (Porta di Roma Shopping Center) (RM) / date set for May 4
  • marcianise (Centro Commerciale Campania) (CE) / likely opening in May
  • belpasso (Etnapolis Shopping Center) (CT) / date yet to be defined

In short, Xiaomi seems to be increasingly intent on covering the Italian territory in a capillary manner and this can only please all users who have recently begun to appreciate its qualities in relation to the price at which the company offers its products, not only smartphones.

Emanuele Iafulla
Emanuele Iafulla

Nerd, Geek, Netizen, terms that do not belong to me. Simply myself, technology lover and provocative as Xiaomi does with his products. High quality at fair prices, a real provocation for the other most famous brands.


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