Problems with language on Meizu M1 Metal ? At 90% if you have not purchased it at SmartyLife, you are spelled out of Italian. So I have prepared a simple guide that will allow you to use your beautiful one M1 Metal in Italian, I am announcing that the Italian will not be totally total even after the achievement of the guide, as it lacks in some not really main application.
Topics of this article:
- Meizu M1 Metal;
- Debug USB ON,
- SmartyTool HERE;
- Adb drivers running;
- Morelocale 2 you find on the playstore or HERE;
Enable Debug Usb.
Before installing the famous Adb driver see how to enable the debug usb. Nothing hard enough to get you in Settings / Accessibility / Developer Options, turn on the debug usb and you agree to any requests that may be received at this time.
In some PC the driver signature control is enabled by default. This could compromise the driver installation ADB then you must disable signature control.
To do this we must first disable the signatures of driver :
1 ° Method
- Restart the PC and during startup press F8 this must take place before the phase of boat that is to say in poor words just turn on the pc pressing the poop F8 ;
- Disable verification of the driver signatures and press enter;
2 ° Method
Start as administrator on DCM and enter the following codes:
- bcdedit.exe -set loadoptions DDISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS
- bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING ON
Write the first string and press Enter, then write the other one and press enter again, then restart the computer.
Once this is done we can finally install the adb drivers connect your Meizu to the PC careful now, wait a moment if you see a debug request enter the tick and agree.
Simple Driver Installation.
Download this address HERE The adb driver, install and connect them if you have not already done so, your smartphone, always be careful now, wait a moment if you are prompted for debugging enter the tick and you agree. Go to the part of check adb driver that you find further down in the guide.
Manual installation
Attach your beautiful M1 metal to your PC, lower the notification curtain. Click on " Files can be transfer .......""Connect as ..."And select"Integrated CD-ROM", It should appear as peripheral on your computer.
Now go to Control Panel> Device Manager, right click on your Meizu device> Update Driver Software> Search for Driver software on your computer> Manually choose from a list of device drivers on your computer> Choose ADB Interface Win 7> Driver Disk > Browse> This PC> usb_driver Device> USB Drivers folder and selected the android_winusb, then press OK and click Next. If you tell them that drivers have been successfully installed, you can continue. If you ask to restart, you agree.
Check Adb Driver
Nothing much easier to see if drivers are running will be enough to download it SmartyTool inside the extracted folder you will find a file "SmartyTool M1 Metal " click on us and wait always careful now, wait a moment if a request appears debugging on your smartphone display, enter the tick ed consent. At the end, you will find something like this.
Install Morelocale on Meizu M1 Metal
download MoreLocale by Play store or from link in the description you find above, obviously through the app papers install it.
Installation Italian Language Meizu M1 Metal
Always through SmartyTool after the date of verification sending, tool will proceed and you will find yourself in front of such a thing.
Now give these commands:
pm list packages morelocale |
pm grant jp.co.c_lis.ccl.morelocale android.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION |
Start now MoreLocale and choose the language Italian.
That's when you finished Meizu M1 Metal in Italian!
As I said in the beginning, the Italian still lacks some application, as the rom is based Yunos, does not have the root basic as normal Flyme of the others Meizu. I'm still working on root in order to be able to enter Italian into applications where it is missing.
Regards Manuel Bianco
Article [GUIDE] Install Italian on Meizu M1 Metal seems to be the first of Smartylife.net.
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Hi, Manuel BIanco, I would like to know if you have been able to make the root on meizu metal or flash a different rom, thanks