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Best 10 Applications for Chromecast [Second Part]

Now we all know that thanks to the Google Chromecast, you can send all (or nearly) multimedia content from our smartphone, tablet or PC to your TV, making it SMART.

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"There is something for everyone: TV, movies, music, games, sports and more. "

Purchasing the new Chromecast is easy and inexpensive. With 39 € you will receive it at home in one or two working days and you can start to exploit its full potential.


Applications for this dongle are many and with time they add more and more. So let's see what, among the many, really is the purchase of this device from the affordable price.

The following are still usable with the previous model.


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We could only start with the application through which we can configure our device.

The simple, intuitive app allows us to fully manage the dongle and connect it to our WiFi network. Step, this, crucial for its first configuration and therefore for its use.

It is also possible to simply transmit the screen and view, on TV, everything we see on our smartphone display. Among other things, it also allows us to search for all compatible apps.

WP-AppBox: Chromecast (Free, Google Play) →

WP-AppBox: Chromecast (Free, App Store) →


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Once you've opened the You Tube app, there's nothing left to tap on the Cast icon and start playing the video of our interest. It is undeniably one of the best applications optimized for this device and, as it's easy to imagine, better encapsulates its potentialities.

WP-AppBox: YouTube (Free, Google Play) →

WP-AppBox: YouTube (Free, App Store) →


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Google Play Movies

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To stay alive in the context of the Mountain View home, another good application is right Play Movie. Good reproduction quality and with a single defect: the price of movies is high and so, at least for the time being, its greater use, albeit as good as its application, is reduced to on-demand films (very few) or trailers (which can still be viewed with You Tube).

WP-AppBox: Google Play Movies (Free, Google Play) →

WP-AppBox: Google Play Movies & TV (Free, App Store) →


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Great alternative to You Tube, to watch the videos of our favorite artists on TV, it's definitely Vevo that lets you enjoy original content and live performances of the singers you follow, with their new music videos. A wide range of streaming video and previews is always at your disposal.

WP-AppBox: Vevo - Watch Music Videos (Free, Google Play) →

WP-AppBox: Vevo - Watch Music Videos (Free, App Store) →


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Thanks to its relatively low cost subscription and the ability to drop at any time transparently and easily, Infinity is a great choice for lovers of all kinds of movies and TV series. Do not neglect the fact that you can also download a content to see it at any time and without internet connection.

Good reproduction and application perfectly optimized.

WP-AppBox: Infinity (Free, Google Play) →

WP-AppBox: Infinity (Free, App Store) →


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Premium Play

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Finally, anyone who has a subscription to Mediaset Premium can use an application which, thanks to the last update, has no bugs. Furthermore, now also includes Infinity and therefore, with a single app, it will be possible to broadcast the contents of both platforms. In this case, it is also possible to download a content and play it without internet connection.

WP-AppBox: Premium Play (Free, Google Play) →

WP-AppBox: Premium Play (Free, App Store) →


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All the music you've always wanted is available on Spotify. Some advertising breaks, which obviously are not in the premium version, does not bother you because it's free! Great application to use at any time. Turn on the tv and listen to your favorite music while you are busy in other things and activities .. or just lay on the couch.

WP-AppBox: Spotify Music (Free*, Google Play) →

WP-AppBox: Spotify Music (Free, App Store) →


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TuneIn Radio


One of the best streaming streaming apps is now available for Chromecast. Convenient, essential and also in Material Design (for Android devices), it allows streaming of TuneIn Radio content on the big screen.

WP-AppBox: TuneIn Radio (Free*, Google Play) →

WP-AppBox: TuneIn Radio (Free, App Store) →


The use of all these applications, besides not slowing down the smartphone, allows it to be usedso once you get started, for example, a video on You Tube, we can safely use it to play maybe trying to juggle our car among the various scenarios offered by the cute Pako and we will not notice no slowdown compared to the streaming or the game.


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Now you can thanks Twitch to watch live TV shows on your home TV, as well as record players, games, players and events. Channels are available 24 hours on 24 and you can chat with your friends. Minecraft or Clash of Clans only wait for you to turn on the TV.

WP-AppBox: Twitch (Free, Google Play) →

WP-AppBox: Twitch (Free, App Store) →


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Just Dance

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Take your energy with Just Dance, one of the most famous dance games in the world, allows you to use your smartphone as if it were a real controller. Play with as many friends as you want, the limit is dictated exclusively by the capacity of your room!

WP-AppBox: Just Dance Now (Free*, Google Play) →

WP-AppBox: Just Dance Now (Free, App Store) →


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Autodesk Pixlr


A free editor for your photos. Filters, overlays, collages and effects characterize this Chromecast-compatible app, which will allow you to edit and play them on the TV screen. It is also possible to enter the Pixlr community on Instagram (@Pixlr).

WP-AppBox: Autodesk Pixlr (Free*, Google Play) →

WP-AppBox: Autodesk Pixlr (Free, App Store) →

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Simone Rodriguez
Simone Rodriguez

Blogger, but above all passionate about technology. I am part of a generation that has passed from the cathode ray tube to smartphones, making me witness to an unprecedented technological evolution. From 2012 I assiduously follow the Xiaomi brand that with the conveyance of various projects led me to realize, the home of all the Italian Xiaomisti. Write me: [email protected]


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