
REALMS 9 4G - You will also LOVE his flaws (and he has very few of them) C’era un tempo in cui il mio cuore tech batteva forte per gli smartphone targati Xiaomi, ma è innegabile che uno ...

It's possible detect the first signs of Alzheimer's with your smartphone

The use of smartphones in the medical field is a frontier that has been coming to life in recent years. We have seen previously how with the ...

TCL 30 IF a low cost smartphone to evaluate? YES

Nowadays we are inundated with dozens of low cost smartphones, products for those who do not have great needs and expectations from their phone. In ...

Cameras for smartphones, here are the most used

After having seen which are the favorite processors on smartphones, let's now see which are the most used cameras and lenses on ...

Here are what are the most used smartphone SoCs to date

The developers of the AnTuTu benchmark publish not only the performance assessments of mobile devices. A recent study by the company ...

Batteries for smartphone and more: double the duration is possible

While the European Union plans to bring removable batteries back to smartphones, research continues to make leaps and bounds. If on the one hand ...

TCL 30 SE - The best BUDGET phone of 2022 (you can do EVERYTHING with it) Siamo talmente concentrati sull'ultimo modello top di gamma uscito nel mercato smartphone, all'ultima tecnologia ...

Xiaomi 12 - Review, data sheet and price A colpo d'occhio lo Xiaomi 12 sembra non differire per nulla rispetto il fratello minore Xiaomi 12X, ma scopriremo ...

Nothing of Carl Pei will make a smartphone but not only: what awaits us

After announcing the launch of a Nothing smartphone by Carl Pei, formerly of OnePlus, the official news arrives. The company in its ...

POCO M4 PRO - This SMARTPHONE changes the vision of everything Come già detto per POCO X4 PRO 5G anche il POCO M4 PRO è una copia di un altro terminale che abbiamo già visto e ...

Great Buy POCO M4 PRO - This SMARTPHONE changes the vision of everything

They might come back removable batteries on smartphones

The disposal of batteries for smartphones, electric vehicles and any electronic device in general is a problem. Unfortunately getting rid of ...

The Xiaomi Poco X3 Pro 256Gb is on offer for only € 220!

After the extraordinary success of the X3 NFC, Poco relaunches with the expected upgrade and with this Xiaomi Poco X3 Pro still hits the mark! Also in this case ...

POCO X4 Pro 5G - A heated soup? Il POCO X4 Pro 5G arriva sul mercato accompagnato da forti entusiasmi per il suo lancio da parte di fans e non ...

Redmi Note 11S - The (right) middle ground between 11 Pro and 11 standard (also in price)? Con il modello S la serie Note 11 di Redmi si conclude e proprio questo esemplare si pone in mezzo tra il modello ...

With the smartphone it is possible to determine the level of blood clotting

Using a smartphone, nowadays, you can do a lot of things. It is now possible to detect the coronavirus, but also to determine the ...

REVIEW Redmi Note 11 - At 179 € you don't have to let it slip away… with GCam it's almost perfect !!! La nuova generazione di smartphone economici del brand cinese non può che partire dal modello "liscio", ovvero il ...

Goodbye cameras giants on smartphones: OmniVision features the smallest pixel in the world

OmniVision is a pioneering company, so far ahead that it introduces the smallest 200 megapixel smartphone photo sensor in the world. ...

Dependence on smartphone: here are the most "addicted" countries in the world

We have already talked about smartphone addiction, how to recognize it and how to fight it. Globally this is now recognized as ...

Use the smartphone before going to sleep is harmful? The response of the scientists

Popular belief or not, using the smartphone before bed is considered harmful to the health of our sleep. But will it really be like this? That ...

Indestructible smartphone? It is possible thanks to this lightweight material

Rugged smartphones often rhyme with indestructible. Well, their level of resistance is really incredible but if the materials are heavy, ...

Redmi review Note 11 Pro 5G - Under € 300 it is a lust Non vi nascondo che personalmente ho abbandonato l’idea di affidarmi come dispositivo personale, ad uno smartphone ...

Smartphones most powerful of January: Snap 8 Gen 1 and Snap 778G in the lead

Like every beginning of the month, AnTuTu tells us which were the most powerful smartphones according to its tests. Clearly let's talk about the month ...

Yes is It is possible to detect the COVID with the smartphone and also quickly

Like it or not, we keep talking about COVID. Unfortunately the virus has become part of our life and we will have to live with it. And it is precisely for ...

Reload it smartphone in bed can lead to obesity | Study

The one thing we've always worried about when charging our smartphone is speed and power. Still, one study claims that recharging it ...

It's really the end? BlackBerry sells all of its patents

There was a time, before the birth of modern smartphones, when owning a BlackBerry mobile phone was a status symbol. At the time they were ...

OnePlus 8 Pro on offer at 484 € shipped for free from Europe!

Never Settle is the motto of OnePlus and with this new flagship it was never more appropriate .. here is the most powerful smartphone of 2020, the OnePlus 8 ...

Sony goes beyond the PlayStation: here is the smartphone controller

Sony is a company that, at first glance, could produce few things. In reality, the colossus has hands everywhere: from smartphone cameras to ...

She is Italian (and cheap) the lens that transforms the smartphone into a real microscope

Is it possible to turn a smartphone into a microscope? There are several modules on the market that apply to the cameras of our ...

DogPhone is a smartphone for dogs… seriously | Video

Will DogPhone be a revolution? Only time will tell us, but without a doubt it is a brilliant intuition even if it is not the first mobile device ...

New material allows you to recharge your smartphone 10 times faster

Research on smartphone charging is one of the most controversial in recent years. On the one hand we have those who want a lot of power but ...